Turkish Most Popular Drama

The Power Of Love

Episode 1

That unfortunate incident on the farm of the Basat today...  ... would separate three children.  Zeynep...  ... Selcuk...  ... and Gökhan.  But this...  ... didn't mean that they could not come together again.  Gokhan...  ... Gökhan...  ... going to horses?  I will come too.     How many times my uncle said?  He doesn't want us to ride it.  We gonna go before he comes to the city.     If my uncle sees that we ride on his horse, I swear he will kill us.     This is it.  We are finally riding wind.     Aaaa...  .... Zeynep followed us.  I want to ride too.  Fine, come on.  Let me help you.     My father...  My uncle...  Uncle is coming.  Immediately...  ... let's go back right now.  Let's go cutoff.     He can't get out of here.     We got very fast, slow down.  Wait a minute.  But I can't hold it.  Wait a second.     [Horse stall]  (Scream)  Zeynep!  Are you okay?  I'm fine.  I'm fine.  What about you Selcuk?  I'm fine.  Wind...  ... the wind is last...  Wind...  (Deep breath sounds)  What did we do?  Run and tell Uncle Zülfikar about it.  Wind...  (Deep breath sounds)  Hang on Wind.  Please just don't die.  (Deep breath sounds)     Calm down, calm, boy, it's gonna be fine.  Hang on, please Wind!  Hang on.     Go and get a blanket.  No!  I can't leave Wind, dad.  Please.  I go.     You'll be fine Wind.  You'll be fine.  Just don't give up, okay?  [Horse stall]  Who did this?  Secret..  ... his leg is broken.  I say who did it?  Who?  Who took my horse out of that inn?  Childhood..They made a mistake.  Get out.  I did.     You...  who are you...  ... how can you you ride my horse?  Come on, sir.  Zülfikar, get out.  I'll kill you!  Who are you...  Don't hit him.  Everything is my fault, dad.  You get out.  Father...  Go away.  Let.  Let me go.     Older sister...  [Gun sound]     Sir, Ali Hikmet sir...  ... Mr.  Ali Hikmet...        This job belongs to you.     You're a big boy now.  Horse...  ... will not be clunky.     Shoot him.     Selcuk...     Shoot him!     The progeny of genealogy!  He will hit.     [Gun sound]  Selcuk!  Selcuk!     Selcuk...  Selcuk...  ... Selcuk!  Selcuk!  Brother...  What happened to my son?  Brother...  ... was he hit?  Selcuk...  No.  He just fainted Mrs.  Nezahat.  Let's call the doctor.  Zulfikar...  ... that girl...  ... will go from this farm!  Mr Gökhan and Selçuk are...  Don't say anything about that.  This girl will go from this farm.     Secret...  You god-damned!  What were you doing here?  What were you doing?  Will you make us from our work, our strength, our bread?  Didn't I say to you, don't you go there?  Didn't I tell you?  You waste my life.  You waste my life, red head.  Get up, girl.  Get up, dirty girl.  Thanks to Mr.  Ali Hikmet, I'll get rid of you.  Get out.  Secret..  Can I come?  Yeah, Zülfikar.  You have the last.  So do I.  You adopted Gökhan.  You raise him like your own child.  I trusted you...  I shared my secret with you.  After all these years, are you trying to threaten me with that?  How would I dare?  I mean...  Does anyone know who longs for son better than you?  Secret..  Don't took my daughter from me, sir.  Enough...  Zülfikar, it's enough.  You have overcome.  Without so many years' sake...  Send that girl away from here.  I said I would say.     Hey...        Zeynep...  ...Zeynep...     ...Zeynep...     Goodbye Zeynep.     Hey...  ...Hey...     ...Hey...     ...Hey...  ...Hey...     ...Hey...  ...Hey...     ...Hey...     ... hey hey hey...  ... shh...  ... shh...  ... okay girl.  Calm girl.     I won't hurt you.     Zeynep...  ...Zeynep...  ... just stop!  Zeynep...  Can you just stop, please.  Where are you going without a diploma?  Esra...  My father is missing.  Is your father missing?  Yes.  He was missing for two days and I'm going to my country.  Here.  Oh my God.  What are you saying again?  Of course, it's about Zeyneo again.  She's not listening.  She is screaming to me that something happened to her father.  There is graduation ceremony today.  Well...  ... girl...  Is that graduation thing today?  Oh God.  Zülfikar said to me, but I forget it.  She became a soldier.  She will make a show of about it.  Gülizar...  Now I am wondering.  Zülfikar would go to my daughter's graduation even if he was very busy.  What happen to him?  If he falls on the ground somewhere?  What will be happen?  He went looking for honey on a mountain.  My lord said to him not come without finding.  How will he come just soon?  Did Ali Hikmet find today?  He just want black beehive drew honey.  It is none of your business.  Sometimes you speak like Zeynep.  You piss me off.  Gülizar...  That's what they said.  Don't talk without thinking.  Come on, take those inside.  Bring Gülizar, take that Gülizar ..  Thank you very much Banu.  Don't go to the bother.  That is okay, Aunt Sevinç.  Hope you enjoy it.  Well, as soon as I come back from İzmir, I came to see you first.  Oh my dear, we miss you so much.  I just loved it.  Gülizar, bring us tea!  They are so beautiful.  Welcome, Mrs.  Banu.  Thank you.  Custom design.  The designer is very famous.  Thank you, Gülizar.  Is it handcrafted?  Of course, aunt Nedret.  It is special to my aunt.  My dear, you are so sweet.  Thank you so much.  But don't think I forgot you too.  Dear Banu ..  Why go to the bother?  What is it?  Rock.  It's opal stone.  They believe it gives positive energy.  (Laughter)  It's so funny.  I really congratulate you Banu.  Congratulations, you learned very well whom and what gift to buy.  Let me see this.  It is beautiful.  Enjoy it, sister!  Thanks.  Aunt Sevinc...  My dear...  When will Gökhan return from the mountain?  I can not reach him for a week.  He doesn't know that I came back from Izmir.  I said I would come and surprise here but...  He still hasn't returned.  So, I'm jeaolous about that horses.  Oh, you're so damn good.  Father and son, they have horse curiosity.  They pursue horses on the mountain for days.  Just for their pleasure.  He is surely running after a horse.  I think he must be about to catch.  In other words, horses in Australia..I do not understand anyway.  How many wild horses he have tamed there.     She will eat with us.  We will prepare according to it.  Oh no!  Why ..  She could not bear the insistence.  As the actress said to the bishop!  (Laughter)  She will do her place in here.  They will marry, you'll see.  She set his cap at ..  Of course they should get married.  Well...  Mr Gokhan has nothing to do with it.  How someone will marry with her?  Look at her, she has devil eyes.  Gülizar...  Well, you don't like anybody.  The person you are looking for is not available right now.  You can leave your message after the beep.     [Phone is ringing]  Who is calling?  Who will be?  Imbecile Zeynep.  I don't call every imbecile.  She finished her school.  What good is it for us?  What?  Did my father come?  Your father called now.  He said I'm coming on the way.  Gülizar!  When I called, his phone was off.  Maybe no service around there.  Come on.  I have a job now, come on.  Mrs.  Gülizar...  I'm on the way.  If you're lying, I'll foist on you.  What?  Are you on the way?  Girl...  Girl, are you crazy?  Zeynep...  ... look...  Don't come to the farm, okay?  Listen to me.  Don't come.  You see it, right?  Fatma sister?  Look, she hung up on my face.  Why are you lying to her?  She's wondering about her father.  Well...  I'm wondering too.  Let her come and mix it.  You can sit and watch what's gonna happen.  How is Mrs.  Rezzan?  I wish she came too.  Don't ask, Aunt Nedret.  My mother is so sad.  I mean...  She hasn't sleep for a long time.  What happened?  She hired a new one a month ago.  He stole the gold and ran away.  Well...  We have no news, we have never heard of it.  Oh my God!  Look what happened.  Cops were searching him everywhere but...  My mother has no hope.  It's obvious.  They're gone.  There is nothing to do.  My dear, sorry about that.  Well, property losses are better than death.  Of course it is.     Walk.  Come here.  Mrs.  Rezzan, forgive me.  Forgive me.  Here are your gold, Mrs.  Rezzan.  Everything is fine.  Oh...  Sorry, Mrs.  Rezzan.  We just heard it.  Mrs.  Rezzan, forgive me.  Stop talking.  You've deserved it.  What should we do with this?  What will you do?  Take him to the police station.  Take it.  Get up.  Here.  I'm always with you, Mrs.  Rezzan.  If you have a problem...  You tell me...  Thank you, Mr Ali Hikmet.  Thank you very much.  If Faruk was here, all this would not happen.  You're right, Mrs.  Rezzan.  If he was alive now, our gold mine would have taken its way already opened.  Don't say that, Mr Ali Hikmet.  These are complicated.  What do you think, I don't understand?  Okay we got it, you're a moneychanger.  But how long will you measure and mow so much?  It is not easy that operating the gold mine.  You know.  Me too...  I'm an alone woman after all.  I don't want our peace will broke with my daughter.  Look...  She still says she's alone.  I guess you don't understand, Mrs.  Rezzan.  You are no longer alone.     UWe are taking this man to the police station but...  He just threaten to sue us.  He keeps saying that.  You just say we are partner of Mrs Rezzan...  It will be over.     It has been my dream since these hearths have been gathered.  But you still don't say anything to Gökhan.  Don't let him know about this now.  I won't say anyone.  But when Mrs Rezzan told Banu...  She won't say.  I talked to Mrs.  Rezzan.  Anyway, he kept saying that I will not live here.  Where is he going?  Her mother says not to send him.  Well, he can understand.  How long will we keep this mining business?  You just keep your mouth shut.  God, we say we have partnered with Mrs.  Rezzan...  What kind of speech are you still talking about?  Talk about something a little nice and our morale will improve.  If you say so.  My Gökhan brother is coming.  What the hell are you running like crazy?  I was going to let you know.  What?  My brother Gökhan is coming.  Is Gökhan coming?  Look how he comes.     Is that the horse he brought?  Selcuk...  ... this wonderful horse.  The beauty that comes out when combed and maintained.  It is a precious horse, so precious.  Well done to my son.  You made me proud again.  Welcome.  It made me try hard but ..  ... finally he couldn't escape.  Well, your surname is Basat.  You're back solid again.  The important thing is to always be solid.  How are you, how are you doing?  Well, no problem.  I'm going home, uncle.  Good.        Well...  Do you like the horse?  Beautiful...  ... very good.  It's like three years old.  It'll be a breeder.  Yeah, dad.  Did you bring it to me?  Your horse is another father.  I saw it at dawn.  Jet black.  Zeynep...  ... stop the taxi.  Go, girl, they'll see you, I say go.  Get out, Gülizar sister.  Mr Ali Hikmet is here Zeynep.  Just go!  I do not care.  Tell me where my dad is.  Taxi!  Taxi is going...  ...Ah!  He'll come...  I tell your father to come, okay.  He didn't come, are you lying?  Yeah he didn't come.  But he comes soon.  What kind of person are you?  Don't you ever wonder my dad?  Oh my God.  Look..Mr Ali Hikmet ..  I don't care about Mr Ali Hikmet!  I won't go without finding my father.  Go...  Search him at mountain then.  I can't deal with you now.  Girl, I say come here, Zeynep.  Selcuk...  Why didn't Gökhan still come?  They're coming.  Hello to you, Banu.  Hello.  How are you?  We are doing fine.  Here comes the pasha!  How much I miss.  What a beautiful day!  Banu...  Welcome, you're finally back.     I wasn't expecting to see you.  When did you come back?  I've come today.  I called you, but your phone wasn't on.  You came just in time.  Ah...  Welcome Uncle Ali Hikmet.  Thank you.  Sorry, when I see Gökhan like that...  What are you talking about?  Come on sit down a little next to me.  Selcuk...  Let him breathe.  Older sister...  What, dear, am I wrong?  You're not going anywhere now, are you here?  Mom, we talked about them.  I know, my son.You have become an engineer now.  Farm is here, we think we can start a business here.  Don't force him.  He doesn't want it.  Don't worry about that my mom.  I won't go now, after all.  We'll talk about them later, okay?  Okay, okay.  Zeynep...  Zeynep...  Zeynep..Honey eyes, beautiful face, my dear look at me ..  If you don't think of me, think of your father.  After this age, are you going to got us fired?  He did it on purpose.  On my graduation day, he deliberately sent my father to the mountain.  Could it ever happen?  It's been two days since your father left.  He wanted himself, I will find and come he said.  Where is my father then?  What happened to him, why is no one going to call him?  Don't shout.  Don't shout, come on.  Let's go inside and talk in there.  Don't touch me.  Come on in.  Oh God!  Come in.  My dear Zeynep...  Okay, manager, okay.  Thank you, thank you.  Children will come and get it soon.  Let's...  Thank you.  Thank you.  Money is ready.  Come on, go to the bank, take the money and deliver it.  What money is this?  For the Bikikli Şükrü, my son.  This money will open up for the gold mine.  Let's just turn it over so you can get the signatures up, man.  Understood.  You already know where to deliver.  Let's.  Am I going alone, uncle?  Will I go alone?  It would be ten years ago.  You are not like Ali Hikmet.  Zeynep...  There will be nothing to your father.  Come on, go and wait in town, dear.  Come on.     I can not wait.     Girl...  Are you crazy?  Girl, you're crazy.  I will find my father.  Jennifer ..  Look, Banu brought it for me.  Special design.  I love it.  How beautiful is it!  Right?  The beautiful who carries is beautiful.  Enjoy it.  Oh, my last.  Banu...  Come on, come, I'll show you something.  Horse is gone.  Shut up.  Look, I'm going to kill you.  Idiot!     Is he here?  Yes.  God ..  Uncle Zülfikar...  What is happening?  There is no horse.  Which horse?  The horse that I caught yesterday that I brought.     Uncle Zülfikar...  Uncle Zülfikar went looking for honey.  Where are the others?  What are my horse?  I'm going to crazy.  The girl took it.  Which girl?  I don't know.  When?  Well..She just went.  Some girl came and stole my horse?  She just went like this.  I know how to bring her.  Darling...  What are you doing, are you crazy?  What if it is going to happen, let's ask everyone.  He's the boy.  He tells what he saw.  I don't have time to stop.     I swear, I'm gonna bring that horse back here.     Oh God...  I'm telling truth, really.  She stole it, right?  Yes...  What happened, where is she going again?  Don't ask, don't ask.     I've been waiting for Gökhan for ten days.  Do you look at what happens?  Calm down girl, now we understand.  Who would dare to such a thing?  To whom is it for  to kidnap horses from the farm of Basat?  They say some girl stole it, Ali Hikmet.     Some girl?  Still not?  We're waiting, sir, it's been half an hour.  Look, open your eyes.  If you miss her...  What does that mean, sir?  Look, it will be very clean.  You won't hurt.  Okay, don't worry, sir.  Here you go.     Coming, get ready at the Forest Management.     Hello,boss...  ...well...  ...bird is in the cage.  Yes.  Come on, thank you.     God damn it!  Not now, not now.     Mr. Selcuk...  ... here you go.  We are looking for, we cannot reach. So, we are curious.  Go and tell yor boss, I'm gonna pay.  Give me some time.  We saw that movie.  You said gambling debt is a honor debt or something.  Come on, bro.  I will pay, I will pay.  Give me some time.  The boss said don't come without the money.  I don't have any money.  Go away.  It is a very bad thing to lie, Selcuk.  Don't bother me now.  Stop! What you are doing, bring that bag.  Don't move!     Shoot him.  [Gun sound]     What's going on, huh?  Is he sick or what?  We're going.     Who is this girl, who?  Who? I'm asking to you!  Where did she come from?  How did she get into this farm?  Don't make me angry, don't make me crazy.  Who?  Uncle Ali Hikmet...  ... there was a child...  ... he saw her.     A child?  Where's Taci?  Taci...     Who was that girl?  I don't know...  Ask Gülizar aunt, they always wandered with that girl.  What should I know, sir?  I never knew.  Don't lie, I've seen you hide the girl's bag.  Shut up...  Go away.  I say I saw her.     Gülizar...     Bring it.     Did Zulfikar's daughter come here?        Got you.     Ah!     Ugh!     Nobody?  Help!  Take it inside.  Sir...  ...don't call me a liar.  I was scared...  ... I could not say.  Do not you know that girl?  She said she will find my father.  She went with horse.  I could not hold her.  Get off me.  Let me not see you.     Who is this girl?  So...  ... where did she come from?  Is that maid woman mother?  So...  ... stepmother.  What a stepmother?  She made her life a nightmare.  Anyway, then her father took and sent to a boarding school that day, we have not seen her anyway.  How so?  Is it the first time after years?  My beautiful daughter, Gülizar told us.  When she heard that her father had not returned to the mountain, she wondered.  Nothing important.  Fatma...  ... give this bag to Gülizar.  Wait, wait, wait, Fatma.  What are you doing?  What?  I wondered...  ...what's in it?  How many years has the girl gone?  ...look what I found!  Who are they?  Gokhan and Zeynep.  How so?  They grew up together, my daughter.  They got along very well.  They are both horse-mad.  Oh, it's past childhood.  Your husband didn't say like that.     Anyway...  ...they would hold each other a lot.  So, sister, what's the point of opening these old things right now?  What? We're just talking.  It's very interesting situation here.  Oh, this girl has been a veterinarian.  Look, Sevin...  ...her diploma.  Well, well, well...  ... she's became very beautiful.  Look at her! Very beautiful.  Oh, well, it's really a shame.  Lift up, Fatma, don't stop there.  Give this to Gülizar.  Here you are.  [Silence]     Hey...     Mom...  ...please, don't insist.  Don't you understand?  I'm very nervous here.  Yes mom.  I will not come home before Gökhan returns, without asking that girl for an account.  Bye.  Oh, my mom has a lot of greetings.  Thank you.  Isn't she coming to dinner?  No...  ... I think she got bored a little bit.  Is that so?  But...  ... I said so, Ali Hikmet does not close this.  I said he would definitely give the necessary punishment.     Are you okay?  Who are you?  Okay, calm down.  Don't touch me, I said don't touch.  Okay...  I do not touch, calm down.  I still haven't got the answer to my question.  Who are you?  Who are you?  You stole my horse.  Is your horse?  Yes...  ...my horse.  Is that horse yours?  Yes.  You...  ... Gokhan...  ... you couldn't recognize.  It has been ten years since your father drove me here.  Zeynep...     [Door sound]  Let's talk with you.  What happened?  Why are you upset again?  You know very well.  She is very beautiful. They said so.  What are you trying to do?  What, dear?  She wondered and told her.  Oh, sure...  I know very well what are you up to.  What is it?  Gokhan and Banu will get married, make a compromise with Mrs. Rezzan, you're scared, aren't you?  (Laughs)  Why would I be afraid, dear?  Are you crazy?  You want your son to head this farm.  You die from your greed, but no.  No, Mrs. Nedret.  That work will never be like that.  Look at me, lady...  I was here while you were gone.  I have looked at this farm for years when my brother wasn't here.  My brother entrusted me here.  My surname is Basat.  This is the farm of Basat.     So...  What are you trying to say?  I say...  ... my brother and I decide who will stay where.     You are right.  Your brother knows what your son costs.  So he will never put him on this farm.  What did you tell me..  ...was very old...  ... Mrs.Nedret.     [The phone is ringing]  God damn it!  Yes, Sukru.  Yeah, I know you are waiting for me but...  ... we have to postpone the meeting today.  Because of the bank.  We asked early but they couldn't arrange the cash we wanted.  When the amount is a little high.  Yes.  No, no Monday, I will come, sir.  Sure...  ... have a nice day.     Uncle Zülfikar has been on the mountain for two days and no one is looking for him?  Are you asking me this, Gokhan?  Believe me, I did not know, Zeynep.  Couldn't I just go out and look?  Never mind.  Let's not talk about them, I want to find my father.  Father...  Uncle Zülfikar....  Father...     Maybe my father is already...  No...I will not be able to bear any more.  Stop Zeynep.  Zeynep, wait for me.        Namik...  ... go look at her, she is not good.     Mr.Selcuk?  What does he do there?  Or did something happen again?  Sometimes it's like keeping malaria like that.  Then you shouldn't approach him at all.  As if you don't know.  How should I know?  I guess it's gone, it starts again.  I am very sorry about that.  Can't heal.  Ugh...  ...no signal.  I can't reach Gokhan.  Don't worry, girl.  Gokhan will not come here before he finds your horse.  That...  ... the girl next to him...  ... who steals the horse.  Shout out to those.  Dinner is ready.  I call immediately.  Yes, did you sit down?  Come on, let's see.  Banu, please. You're our guest.  Fatma can do it.  Good evening.  Welcome.  Where are you son?  What happened to you?  You are pale.  My stomach is bad.  I will sleep a little with your permission.  Selcuk...  ... did you handle that job?  I did, uncle.  Good, good.  Come on, get some rest.  Come, son, I'll give you medicine.  Zeynep...  Father...  ...father...  Zeynep...  Father...  Zeynep wait.  Dad, oh!  Ah!  Zeynep...  Oh, ah!  Ah!  Stop Zeynep.  Ah!  Stop moving.  God damn it!  Let's continue, come on.  Wait.  Ah!  Okay.  Pull back.  Ah!  Okay.  Okay, I'm fine.  Come on.  Lets continue.  Can you just wait?  Father...  Zeynep...  Father...  Father...  Zeynep, wait.  Dad, oh!  Zeynep...  ...are you okay?  Are you okay?  Ah!  Zeynep...  Ah!  Come.  Hold on to me.  Hold.  Slow.  Ah!  Ah!  Zeynep, look at me.     We will find your father.  We will find him.  I promise you I will find your father.  But we won't do this tonight.  We'll find your father in the morning, okay?  But my father...  Zeynep...  What would Zulfikar uncle say if he was here?  The evil of the day...  ... from the good of the night.     Did we get along, Zeynep?     I hope nothing happened to Uncle Zülfikar.  I hope.  Today, Banu went crazy with jealousy.  Gokhan and Zeynep are alone on the mountain.  She is right.  What happened to you?  Nothing, mother.  Come on out.  Selcuk...  Nothing, mother.  Is it one of those seizures again, tell me.  What does it have to do with it?  What does it have to do with it then?  Where did your uncle send you today?  Selcuk...  ... Selcuk...  ... Selcuk breathe.  Selcuk, stop.  Take this.  Here.  Take it.  Come on, my son.  Come on, my lion son.  (Deep breath sound)  Are you okay?  Come on, get some rest.  Mom, get out.  Son...  I said go out.  Tell me what you got, let me know.  Mother, what is it? I say stop and get out.  Okay.  Okay son, okay.     Gokhan's favorite dessert.  I guess...  ... soon I will need to learn all the dishes Gokhan loves.  Why, what does this mean?  It doesn't mean anything.  No no...  ... means something.  Tell me.  Did he bring that horse in vain?  Did he bring that horse to you?  Do you need to say some things?  So?  So...  ... our relationship is going seriously.  In my opinion...  ... we may surprise you soon.  So what can I say? Good luck for you.  Did you hear it, sister?  I heard.  Good luck.  I hope.  Well done, girl.  We okay with this.  Oh, please. She is not just a bride.  She's our daughter now.  Good evening.  Thank you, sorry, I was annoyed at this hour.  Well, I needed some money.  So it's about five hundred thousand.     If we can handle at least half or something.     I got it, brother.  Good evening.     Do you know what happened to Mrs. Rezzan?  What?  One of the men stole the woman's gold.  ... it was done.  Meanwhile, we became partners.  Is that so?  Why didn't you tell me?  Are you asking me for an account?  Of course not.  But I don't know, there are a lot of things going on.  When will you say?  Do not say anything though.  I am afraid that Nedret will something about that. She puts her nose into everything.  What are you saying?  Look...  What we saw with you and what we spent.  You were on your own when you came to me.  Your whole family was scattered.  I gave my son on your lap as my son.  Thank you...  ... you have never been a foster father to him.  You loved him.  You put him in your own son's place.  He knows you as his real father like everyone else.  Where did these words come from now?  Well I am a mother, I think of my son.  Nedret thinks of Selcuk, of course.  But, you know what?  I think he doesn't think good things at all.  So...  ... let me tell you...  ...you can do whatever you want.  Come on, good night.     Zeynep...  ... are you mad at me?  You know you've never changed?  You too.     Are you still mad at me because of the Wind?  Yes...  ... you're all guilty.  You know I told the truth.  Maybe you can be right.  We are all guilty.  Me...  ... Selcuk...  ...my father...  ...all of us.  Ten years have been difficult.  It wouldn't be that hard if I went with my own will.  It's very difficult, Gokhan.  You can't understand that.  Maybe I understand.  Does it hurt?  It is.     I'm glad you are with me.     (Coughing sound)     My God...  ... thank you for giving me a love for child.  You are the one who gives life and take it.  You are the only one who is omnipotent.  You took a son with you...  ... you gave me Zeynep.  Ah...  I couldn't be a worthy servant to you.  But I looked at Zeynep like my own child.  I could not tell anyone that she is Ali Hikmet's grandchil.  I was scared, God.  I was afraid of being alone...  ... from Ali Hikmet's anger.  My daughter...  ... I deprived her mother's smell.  God...  ... if I can't survive this hole...  ... reach this letter...  ... to my daughter.  I've been silent for twenty-two years.  Now, what I know is burdened with me.  These lands saw a lot...  ...but...  ... did not see anyone like Ali Hikmet.  Tell the boss quickly, I have something to say.  Quickly!  [Door sound]  [Door sound]  I hope it is good.  What is it at this hour?  Say it.  Sir...  I found traces of the fugitives.  I found them.  What are you waiting for, then, what are you waiting for?  Go and...  ... prepare the cars, inform Zulfikar quickly.  Mr. Ali Hikmet...  ...don't.  Get out, woman.  Please, don't. Please!  She is our daughter.  Münevver...  ... wake up Ahmet, make Munevver ready.  Don't do it, Ali Hikmet.  She's just a kid.  She's a Başat.     Wake up my son.  (Crying)  God help me.     The phone call that morning brought the news that Hakan Korkut and his uncle Ismail were waiting.  Two large families...  ... for the same leaks...  ... at dawn...  ... they will go hunting forever.  Isn't that the house where the junglers stayed when going to that chalet?  Okay okay...  ...I understand.  What happened, Ismail?  They found the trail of your *** nephew.     Come on Hakan, we're going.  What, where did they see it?  Who said, where are you going Ismail?  (sing a lullaby)  (sing a lullaby)  Hulya...  ...Hulya...  ... they found us.  Get together quickly.  We are going.     Ali Hikmet is seeing red.  From his own blood to his daughter...  ...had become an enemy.  He would not leave betrayal free of charge.  Come on, Zukfikar.  Hit the gas quickly.     (Baby crying sound)  Blood would flow that day.  Hakan...  ...had waited a full year since he was abandoned.  Hulya was counting the days since her wedding day left him.  Stop, stop, stop.  You will deviate from the left.  Hakan are you sure?  Uncle, we'll go behind the village.     I will shoot them both from the roof of the forehead.     ( Baby is crying )  Ah!  Baby shhhh...  Let me take it.  ( Baby is crying )  Come on I'm fine.  Let's go.        This way, sir.  Through the reeds.  Let's go this way.  We will climb up from the side of the river.     Ali Hikmet came before us.  (My voice)  Come, we'll go down to the river, we'll find them.     Ah!  Are you okay?  I'm fine.  ( Baby is crying )  There is little left, hang on.     (Baby crying sound)  Wait.  We'll go this way, walk.  Sir...  ... the house remained this way.  I said walk.     ( Baby is crying )  Quickly.  Quickly, soon.     ( Baby is crying )     Hulya...  They are here, Erdem.  Erdem, hurry!  Wait.  For God's sake.  Quick Erdem.  Father...  Don't stop, grab those.  Go and bring them.     ( Baby is crying )  They are coming!  ( Baby is crying )  [Gun sound]  Ah!  Erdem!  Erdem!     Older sister...  (Crying)  My daughter...  Ahmet...  ...Ahmet!  My baby...     (Crying)  My daughter...     Older sister...  Leave.  Older sister...  Let go.  Come.  Let go.  Leave.     My daughter...     My baby...  My daughter...  Let me go.  You are a murderer.  You killed my daughter.  Hulya...  How do you run away from home?  How do you trample my honor?  You're a murderer.  You...  Do you know what I can do?  Give it.  I will kill you too.  I'll kill you!     *****  Older sister!  [Gun sound]  Ahmet!  No.  Ahmet...  ...Ahmet...  Ahmet...  Son...  Ahmet!  What have you done?     No.     Help me.  Ahmet...  ...Ahmet...  ...quickly.     Father...  Hang on, son.  Hang on, my lion.  Hang on.  Hit that gas quickly!  Go!     Hold on, Ahmet.  Hang on.     Son...  How many people's fate changes in a single day?  It was not just a boat that capsized that day.  While Ali Hikmet wants to hurt...  ...hw lost his son Ahmet, whom he loved so much.     He had no other branch to hold except his wife Nedret.  Could Ali Hikmet forgive his sister's husband?  He intervened, Ahmet intervened.  Ahmet intervened.  Uncle okay calm down, uncle.     (Crying)     (Crying)     Shh, be slow, I made her sleep.  Zulfikar...  Whose baby is this?  Hulya's.  What are you saying?  What happened to her?  ( Baby is crying )     I explained everything to Gülsüm.  She breastfeed Hülya's daughter with our own baby.  Where would I know...  ... the fate of the two offspring is tied together.     If Ali Hikmet hears us, he will put us on the rope.  What am I supposed to do?  Would I be a sinner if leave her?     (Crying)  Are you hungry?  Come here.  Oh dear...  I'm going to the farm.  [Reading the Quran]  That night, Nedret...  .. went desperately to her brother to forgive her husband.  She pleaded as if she muttered an unacceptable prayer.  Mrs. Nedret wanted to believe.  Brother...  ... forgive.  Forgive Ismail, please.  You were there too...  ... there was an accident.  Does he ever want to do anything to Ahmet?  Brother...  ...please, don't kill him.  Don't leave my son alone.  Tell me something, please.  Nedret...  ...enough!     I will not do anything to him.  His own remorse is enough for him.  Whereas Ali Hikmet...  ...had already launched his plan.     Namik...  Brother...  Exit.     Did you handle it?  We did it, sir.     Aunt...  I don't know what to say to you now.  (Crying)  Come on, I'll take you to your room.  Get some sleep and rest.  Okay?  Come on.  Come.  Come.     Come.  (Crying)     Come.  Lets go to the room.     Aunt.     (Crying)     Disasters overlap.  First it capsized, then a big storm.  On that stormy night...  All destroyed not only houses but also lives.  There is a brother for Zeynep now?  Are you jealous?    [Thunder]  [Thunder]  (Baby crying)  Oh my God ..  Oh my God ..  Oh my God ..  (Baby crying)  My God ..  (Baby crying)     (Baby crying)  (Shouting voice)  (Shouting voice)  Help!  Help!  We're burning.  Help!  We're burning!  Help!  Help!  Help!  (Shouting voice)  Gülsüm...  Gülsüm...  Gülsüm...  ... let me go.  Gülsüm...  ... let me go.  Let.  Gülsüm...  Mrs.  Münevver...  (Shouting voice)     Bring my car.  Right now.     Come.     [Phone is ringing]  Yes?  Uncle...  ... where are you?  On my way.  Yes.  He is not clear what to do.  I said I'd better not be a little around.  Yes.  When I arrive, I call.  Your aunt and Selçuk are entrusted to you.  Thank you, thank you.     Ali Hikmet did not forgive his son's murderer.  After what happened, Hakan threw his aunt from home.  Nedret and his son Selcuk had to live with Ali Hikmet after that day.  Nobody knows the hearts of the servants, but...  Nedret could not love his brother again.  While a fire of revenge has gone out...  ..the other one burned.     Of course, the real culprit was Ali Hikmet.  But he found some crime on everyone else.  Mostly in Hülya.  Before giving a new direction to his life...  There was one last thing he had to do.     You destroyed the Basat lineage.  You destroyed my whole family.  I wouldn't have a girl like you.     Do you want to die?     You will not die.  You're gonna live.  You will live...  ... how much pain you got me...  ... you will handle them all.     You know what to do.  I have arranged everything, sir.  Do not worry.        (Baby crying sound)     My daughter....  ... forgive me.  My Zeynep...  ... forgive.     Father...  Uncle Zülfikar...  Father...  Uncle Zülfikar...  Gokhan...  There is Black Ditch here, right?  We came.  No...  I think we should have gone by the river.  No, Zeynep.  Black hive honeys are on this side.  He isn't here.  I feel it, something happened to my father.  Something happened to my father.  No, Zeynep.  It did not.  Waiting for us.  He is waiting for us to find him.  How do you know?  Because I promised you, Zeynep.  I will find him.  Let's go on.  Let's.     Father...  Uncle Zülfikar...  Father...  Uncle Zülfikar...     Help me...  (Coughing)     The person you are looking for is currently unavailable.  From the signal tone...  He isn't here.  I can't reach Gökhan.  He's still chasing the girl!  I'll call the farm.  You will not.  Mom what are you doing?  What are you doing?  You're getting smaller with doing that, girl.  Look mom, I'm thinking of marrying this guy.  Don't you realize?  It is also a another issue.  What is going on in explaining that you are getting married in front of everyone?  What about that?  What do you mean?  Did this boy propose to you, my daughter?  No.  Come on, did he even say anything about that?  No.  There is nothing obvious.  Our relationship is serious mother.  I trust myself.  Look, I will wear it for a week, I will wear that ring on my finger.  You can't convince a man like Gökhan to marry by doing so.  We call it that conquering the castle inside.  We call it infamous, this is nothing else.  Come on Banu.  Don't do anything anymore.  Let Gökhan come to you.  Let them come to our feet.  We have already been partners.  How so?  Did you accept?  Yes.  Oh mother.  Gökhan will go crazy now.  Gold mine, cyanide myanide...  His father wants it.  But you won't say Gökhan and it will be over.  Isn't he going to hear?  You take a stand on Gökhan, it will be over.  Look Banu...  ... if you want to marry Gökhan...  ... you're on the wrong track, girl.  You can't win him by loving him so much.  Use your mind, girl.  Father...  Uncle Zülfikar...  No, we are in the wrong place.  My dad doesn't come here.  No, we are in the right place.  Gokhan...  ... what did you see, tell me Gokhan?  Someone climbed up here.  Father...  Father...  Uncle Zülfikar...  Father...  Help!  Help!  I'm here.  Uncle...  Father...  Daddy, we are here.  Zeynep...  We're coming, don't move.  Gokhan...  Don't worry, dad, we're coming.  Thank God, I thank you.  My God ..     We came uncle.  Father...  My daughter...  Father...  Father...  Are you hurt, are you okay?  My shoulder, my shoulder is bad.  I was very curious, my father.  Oh my dear daughter.  Father...  My dear...  Uncle...  ... hold me tight.  Take my hand.  When we say three, we get up, okay?  Come on, dad.  Two...  ... three.  Come on, God.  Lean on me.  Come on, dad.  My dear.  Come, dad.  Ah!  Slow!  My daughter...  Thanks God.  Thank God.  My dear...     Let's.  Uncle ..  ... come on uncle.  Hold on to me.  Here you go.  Come on.  Slow...  Slow...  ... slow...    Father...  ... are you okay?  I'm fine girl.  I'm fine.  Drink it dad.        Gülizar...  Girl, what are these plates?  Neither tomato nor anything.  You haven't prepared anything.  Look at me.  What are you thinking about?  Let us go there.  I wondered about Zülfikar.  Hopefully, Gökhan will find and bring him.  I prayed until morning last night.  Did they find Zeynep?  Everything happen to us because of that horse.  Let's say they found it and get it.  Well...  What will Ali Hikmet say?  What if he puts us in front of the door?  He doesn't do anything like that.  You know, he loves Zülfikar.  Yeah, of course!  He doesn't love anyone but himself.  Even his own daughter...  Shut up, girl.  Someone will hear you.  Gülizar...  Let's think well.  Oh, they have their wedding bustle now.  May Zülfikar be good.  What wedding?  Well, they were getting married.  Banu announced it to everyone last night.  Well, I said, she's doing every place.  There is no groom.  She just say it like that.  Come on, get the plates up, go.  I can't take it, Fatma sister.  Handle me.  I'm not appearing nowadays.  Well, get up, cut the bread and I'll take it.     Come on, they take care of their young heads.  What did Zülfikar do?  Did they find him?  There is no signal, right?  No.  I said that our boy knows the mountains well, but...  I started wondering.  There is no material with him, what will this kid do?  So what else can we do?  Good Morning.  Good Morning.  How are you Selcuk?  I'm fine, mother, I'm fine.  I didn't say it, your stomach is bad...  I'm fine.     Called with a mustache.  He says I can't get the signature before Monday.  Why is this man calling for you but not me, I don't understand.  I think he didn't want to bother you in the morning.  Who's Mustache, brother?  Nedret...  Uncle, I say if I look Gökhan?  Uncle Zülfikar...  I was going to tell you that.  Take three or five men, go and find them, bring that Gokhan.  Okay, then enjoy your meal.     This is Selcuk.  They were looking for us.  Not us...  They came to search you.     Father...  Are you okay?  I'm fine, don't worry about me.  Years have passed, Zeynep.  It was so.  Congratulations on finishing first.  Thanks.  Is that so?  How do you know, Mr.  Selcuk?  I know uncle Zülfikar.     Yeah?  Oh thank goodness.  I'm getting ready and coming immediately.  My mom comes later.  Okay.  Okay, see you.  You're not going anywhere, Mrs.  Banu.  Mother, Gökhan was coming.  You know he's gone without seeing me.  Aunt Sevinc invited you to dinner in the evening.  Okay, we'll go together tonight so eat dinner.  Mother, please.  I said no, Banu.  What did we talk to you?  Gökhan will wait for you.  But is it happening?  Uncle Zülfikar, what did we talk about?  You didn't have your tests done, did you?  What analysis?  Old age taste, girl.  They will necessarily seal.  What is that Selcuk?  Nothing.  Excuse me, I'll stop by again.  Come on, Uncle Zülfikar.  Thank you very much Selcuk for everything.  God bless you, last.  You really help me.  You're welcome, what did I do?  Gokhan has done everything.  I really wouldn't have found my father alive without Gökhan.  Anyways...  I should go.  Get well, Uncle Zülfikar.  Selcuk...  Can you give this to Gökhan?  Time.     Zeynep...  Thank you again, Selcuk.  See you.  See you.  Yes, my father.  Give your father soup.  Is it spicy daddy?  No matter how you get it, girl.     You...  ... Gökhan...  ...Zeynep...     Gosh...     Let's give the following medicines.  Look at me.  Don't go around too much.  Ali Hikmet is like gunpowder.  Nothing changed.  Because of the horse, because of you...  I know.  I stole Gökhan's horse.  Better still steal his horse.  He brought a horse while coming from the mountain.  I guess to the bride.  You missed his horse.  Which bride?  Is Selcuk married?  Gökhan found the horse and brought from the mountain as a gift to his fiancee.  When was Gökhan engaged?  Fatma said they would get married.  That girl announced to everyone at dinner last night.  Oh God.  Is he really getting married?  Okay, Banu.  I'm already tired.  See you at dinner.  Okay.     Branch head.  What would it be?  What could have been between us?     Father...  Oh dear...  I'm going to get some air.  What happened?  Did Gülizar say anything to bother you?  No...  Nothing.  I'll just walk a little.  Come on, good.     Zeynep...     How's your dad?  Good.  He just had to rest a little.  So how are you?  I...  ... I am going.  I mean ..  My dad is better now.  So, are you going tonight?  Yes.     Your scarf is on me.     I will not give it back.  If you are going...  ... this will be a memory from you.     Thanks.  Where's Zeynep?  Let her wait here.  Zülfikar, there is an invitation at home.  You go.  Where do I leave you and go...  ... where do I go?  Uncle Zülfikar...  Uncle Zülfikar...  What...  Taci...  What?  Shut up.  Why are you shouting?  Didn't I tell you not to be seen in my eyes?  Ali Hikmet is calling Zülfikar, he said to come immediately.  Taci, it's okay.  You go.  Ah...  We're screwed.  I said, this guy is going to fire you.  Ali Hikmet will fire us from this house.  I said it to you all the time.  Send this girl from this house.  Shut up, Gülizar shut up.     Zeynep...  Can we talk a little bit?  What happened?  We couldn't speak properly during the day.  Selcuk I'm going.  I haven't looked at a plane ticket yet.  I understand but...  There is something I want to tell you about your father.  About my father?  Shall we sit down like this?  Selcuk...  You are scaring me.     So let's move on like this?     [Door sound]  Come.  You ordered me, sir.  Come Zülfikar.     I'm not going to talk too much.  You'll send your daughter tonight.  Tonight?  This night...  ... that girl...  ... will go from this farm.  (Laughter sounds)  Mrs.  Joy, you are very nice.  Gokhan...  I want to see this famous horse now.  Can we look after the meal?  Time.  I swear I was curious too.  What is it?  So you know what they say, Mrs.  Rezzan...  Who runs away is always be more valuable.  Come on, let's start eating slowly.  Let's serve soups.  If we waited for Mr.  Ali Hikmet.  Oh no...  So you know that business phones are taking a long time.  He said you don't wait for me.  So Gokhan...  When do we wear the rings?  Tell me.  What ring?  Banu told us that you want to marry.  Who...     Are we getting married?     Selcuk...  Say what you are going to say.  I'm really tired and I want to go from here.  Zeynep...  Uncle Zülfikar had a heart attack a month ago.  What?  Selcuk what do you say, why am I not aware of this?  Nobody knows.  He swore by me even.  How is it?  How did it happen?  I found him bad in the vineyard.  I took him to the hospital immediately.  The doctor said we need to keep him under control.  Was this the analysis he did not have?  Yes.  I said how many times, let's get it done, but...  How can you not tell me this?  I will kill that Gülizar.  Zeynep...  She doesn't know either.  Just me and my uncle knows it.  How so?  Did Ali Hikmet know this?  He knew this and sent my father to the mountain?  Zeynep...  Let me go, Selcuk.  Zeynep, calm down.  What more are you standing on?  Sir, she will go.  She said it herself.  But if she stayed tonight.  They walked the mountain peak to find me.  Zulfikar...  Look, I'm going to say something to you.  You know me.  I did what you said so far.  Whatever you said.  Don't enter these issues, Zülfikar.  No worry, I will not go into those topics.  My daughter hasn't been home for ten years because of a horse accident...  She could not come.  I said close the subject.  About a horse.  The issue is not a horse subject, Zülfikar.  ... for twenty two years...  ... look I count the days.  Twenty-two years of mine...  ... I'm burning inside.  My lung is burning.  As I see your daughter...  ...I...  I see her.     I...  I left everything in the waters of a river.  Now I have at least one family.  I won't let anything happen to them.  What harm does my daughter do to your family?  When the heart beats high, it would stop mind.  I saw your daughter side by side with Gökhan just like her.  What is it to do, sir?  What did you mean?  This girl will go.  That's all I will say.     Where's my dad?  Oh, God damn you!  I say where is my father?  Ali Hikmet called.  He'll fire us.  The man doesn't want you.  Don't you understand?  You couldn't get out of here.  So he called my father to his feet?  What are you saying?  He called.  I say he will fire us.  Do not you understand?  Enough!  Mr.  Ali Hikmet...  My daughter does not go wrong.  This is her home too.  She comes whenever she wants...  ... goes anytime.  What are you saying?  Secret..  Don't test me with my daughter.  Don't hurt me.  Know your limits.  Zulfikar...  I know my limit.  I'm a father.  I know my limits...  ... my daughter too.     I say Zülfikar.  Don't come on me, sir.  What would happen if I came?  Don't come on me.  Our...  Or what?  Ali Hikmet...  Where are you?  Ali Hikmet...     I'm not going anywhere.