Chinese Drama; My Secret Romance Episode 1 | Multi-language subtitles Full Episode|K-Drama| Sung Hoon, Song Ji Eun

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It's you, right?  I heard that you come here often.  My gosh.  Huh?  -Hey, you're here. -Hey.  The atmosphere sucks today.  What's with this lousy music?  The DJ had to go to another club.  I couldn't find a substitute on a Friday night.  Gee, it's going to be so dull tonight.  -Is that so? -Yes.  Hey, what are you going to do?  When I was in Spain,  I fooled around with a girl who was a DJ.  She taught you how to DJ?  She taught me a few things.  But you just follow your gut with these things.  That's crazy.  Gosh. What are you, the Grim Reaper?  Yu-mi, you came here dressed like that?  Well, I had a job interview today.  -Let's just drink. -Come on.  Fine, let's drink.  Cheers.  -What is this? -Hey.  -Oops. -What was that noise?  -Sorry. -Jeez.  Hey.  It's nice.  -What's going on? -Cool.  I like it.  Do you want to dance?  -Yes! -Let's go.  Shall we?  Let's go.  It's getting fun now, right? Jump!  Maybe coming here was a mistake.  I shouldn't be clubbing right now.  No, it'll be okay.  I'm sure I'll get hired this time.  Definitely.  This place is fun.  The guys here are cute.  Even the alcohol tastes good.  Everything is good except me.  All right! I'm actually quite a dancer.  All right! I'm actually quite a dancer.  Gosh!  What are those people doing over there?  Oh, my gosh.  THE EXPLICIT TASTE OF MY BOSS  "With his long, fair fingers,  he held up her small chin.  ''You look even prettier from up close.''  It's even more obvious from up close.  "Your eyes, nose, and lips.  Everything is perfect."  You fixed your eyes...  ...and your nose.  You also shaved down your jaw.  "Come on.  You're making me shy."  My boobs are natural though.  Shoot.  I can't hold it in anymore.  Gosh.  Excuse me, I have to use the toilet.  You said you were an actress, right?  Good luck then.  Where are you going? Let's have some fun.  I'm sorry.  I have to go feed my cat.  Wait, your cat?  Your cat?  MIKI SUPERMARKET  Oh, my goodness.  Hi, I'll take this.  Jeez, you scared me to death.  Here you go.  Thank you.  What the heck?  What are you doing here?  I thought you might have passed out.  Jeez, seriously.  What is it? It's early.  The chairman wants to see you.  I have a bad feeling about this.  CHAIRMAN CHA DAE-BOK  NA AE-RI'S SECRET LOVE AFFAIR WITH CHA JIN-WOOK, DAEBOK GROUP'S HEIR  NA AE-RI'S HOT DATE  AE-RI WAS SPOTTED WITH AN HEIR  I'M JEALOUS OF HER  HE ONLY DATES CELEBRITIES  HE'S GORGEOUS  I GUESS SHE LIKES MONEY TOO  It's in the news? I'm flattered.  It was not enough for you to fool around with my money... you tainted my company's image?  It's not like your company is...  ...a major conglomerate in the country.  Pack your bags.  Actually, don't even need to.  Just go.  Go and learn how to work for a while.  I don't want to.  -Yes, sir. -Get in here.  Take this brat away now.  That won't be necessary.  Come on, this is embarrassing.  Fine, I'll go.  Where am I going?  -Cut the ends too. -Yes.  That's it.  It looks good.  Why don't you just burn this whole place down?  I've told you many times that using proper temperatures is essential.  I'm sorry.  Yu-mi, how many times have you failed?  Is this your third or fourth try?  It's my third.  Right.  If you fail the exam again,  ...think about going to a different school.  Maybe our school isn't right for you.  There are other cooking schools.  Perhaps, you should also consider...  ...pursuing another career path.  Okay?  It looks nice. Good job.  Yes.  No, I haven't received it.  Gosh.  I don't think I can go.  YOUR LEASE IS UP IN 30 DAYS  I have no time to attend...  Look, you're the one who wants to get married in Gangwon Province.  Whatever. I can't go.  I'm hanging up now.  TO LEE YU-MI  HUSBAND AND WIFE  GROOM: KIM YEONG-HAN, BRIDE: JO MI-HUI  Let's go.  Look.  Why do I have to take the shuttle bus...  ...when I have my own car?  Huh?  It's the chairman's order.  Mr. Jang...'re going there too anyway.  Just let me...  "That punk is lacking in so many ways! Cut him off from everything!"  "Confiscate his money, credit cards, and car! Everything he has!"  That's what the chairman said.  Give me my car keys.  Hey, give me my car keys!  Hey, what are you doing?  Why the hell do I have to take this bus?  Let's go.  Don't come near me. I'm not kidding. I'll kill you. Don't come...  Hey, let go of me while I'm asking nicely.  I'm very serious...  Hey!  Hey, I can't take the bus.  - Mister, this way. - Hey, it's going this way!  Damn it, there are no seats left.  - Excuse me. - Yes?  Geez, seriously.  - Thank you. - What?  I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.  Wow, this woman is seriously... Why are you...  THE BOSS' EXPLICIT TASTE  - Please sit down. - Okay!  What's this?  I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.  The bus started moving so suddenly.  Excuse me.  How long are you going to sit here?  Right.  I'm sorry.  Miss. Miss, we've arrived. Please get off.  Geez, what the hell am I supposed to do here?  Geez, that woman, until the very end...  Wow, you're telling me...  I have to be a bellhop at this resort?  Me? Cha Jin Wook?  After you get changed, you'll be informed of your duties.  You must always put on a friendly smile.  This man must be crazy.  Can you handle the aftermath of doing this to me?  That decision is always up to the person in question.  I'll give you 10 minutes.  Wow, seriously. Why the hell should I wear this?  9 minutes and 53 seconds, 52 seconds, 51 seconds, 50 seconds...  Wow.  Why the hell would I wear this?  Hey.  "Hey"?  I didn't work out to use my muscles for cleaning.  Go.  - Then I'll-- - Go on.  I'll do it myself, then.  Hey.  But why aren't you cleaning?  Why do you keep calling me "hey"?  Are you doing that on purpose?  We should help each other out.  I'm enjoying the sun!  Then rest well.  Geez, Secretary Jang.  I'm thirsty. Bring me a beverage.  Of course. Coffee or juice?  Juice. Freshly squeezed.  Okay.  That was fast. Juice?  Geez, it's you. Good afternoon.  We're in working hours.  Don't you know we're hosting a wedding this afternoon?  Not right now.  I'm playing a very important round.  Should I report this to Chairman Cha?  Would that make you get up?  Okay.  Fine, I'm going.  Geez.  I failed?  But there's no way.  Can you please check that again?  I did so well in my interview.  The interviewers were all laughing.  Yes, I understand.  Yoo Mi.  Why do you bother living?  Let's just die.  Let's die.  That's pathetic.  Geez, I have to get my car back soon.  Oh, my daughter! You came!  Hey! What on earth are you wearing?  Is this my wedding or my funeral?  You told me you couldn't come.  I came hoping this would be your last wedding.  I won't be at your third one.  I'll be around 60 years old when I marry a third time.  I'll be sexy then too, don't you agree?  Gosh, don't take it seriously. You're scaring me.  But did you come alone, by any chance?  Didn't you have any men to bring along?  You should have brought at leats Hyun-Tae.  Remarrying isn't anything to brag about.  And this isn't the time for me to be dating, Mom.  Yeah, who cares if you don't have anyone?  You can just meet a new guy here.  First off...  ...take off that Grim Reaper outfit.  - Let's go. - Who are you?  Go inside. Go on, hurry!  Mom, I can't breathe.  Why is it so tight on you?  Put up with it for a short while.  The ceremony won't take long.  Give me my clothes back.  Hey, you better not take that off.  If you do, I will never see you again.  That's right. We forgot the most important part.  Excuse me, please bring it out.  What's this?  Bra inserts?  They are the source of my confidence.  No, I don't need that. That's okay.  - Come here! - Mom!  You better not take this off!  I don't want to!  Now, the bride and groom will read their love letters to each other.  Gosh, she's really getting married.  To Mi-hui, my eternal other half.  I'd like to thank you all for coming all the way here... congratulate us on our special wedding day.  I spent a lot of time to find true love.  And it seems like the heavens finally gifted me with my other half.  It's all still fresh in my memory.  This is really delicious.  - Excuse me. - Yes.  Please give me one more plate.  - Yes. - Thank you.  Every moment that I spend with you is very precious and makes me happy.  My life was desolate like a desert...  ...and you came into it like a flower.  I will cherish and love you forever.  - Excuse me. - Yes?  - One more plate, please. - Yes.  Excuse me.  One more plate.  Geez, she already ate three plates.  Where does it all go?  Hey, you there.  Take this back to the kitchen.  "Hey, you there"?  Go!  How dare you...  You'll find a car out front.  After you empty the tank, please report to me.  Then what about the car keys?  Keep it with you, and...  ...don't give it to anyone.  I understand.  Now, let's watch a slide presentation that...  ...shows how the bride and groom grew up.  Please look at the screen.  JO MI-HUI, KIM YEONG-HAN  Wow, so handsome!  You were really handsome back then!  - You were so cute. - I was?  The bride looks like an actress.  I heard she was.  She used to be an erotic actress in the past.  - Really? - Yeah.  READY TO BE POPPED  Hey, I heard her mom is an erotic actress.  - What? Seriously?  - Unbelievable.  Isn't it?  One of the movies is called...  ...Ready to Be Popped or something.  -"Popped"?  She does have big boobs.  Darling, didn't we agree... take out those photos?  It would be a waste.  That's when I was in my prime.  That's okay.  What are you doing here?  Pardon?  Why aren't you working?  Wait a minute.  Ah, work...  What are you doing right now?  Pardon?  A man should do heavy work like this.  Thank you.  I'm working.  I get that you're here against your will.  But you shouldn't harm anyone else, at least.  But...  It wasn't intentional. It was an accident.  How was I supposed to dodge a woman who was running like a mad buffalo?  Mr. Cha!  What is it?  Do I look like I'm joking around?  But you know...  I fell, too.  My arms and legs hurt.  Fine.  Fine, I got it.  I was wrong. Happy?  If you know that, apologize to her.  Apologize to our customer whom you called a mad buffalo.  Wait...  Why are you doing this to me?  I'm sure you know very well...  ...where you'll end up if I fire you.  Well then.  Mom, are you crazy?  You weren't a supermodel or Miss Korea.  You were an erotic actress, and you want to brag about that?  If you're so proud of it, watch it yourself. No...  You can watch it together at your wedding night.  It's too good to watch alone.  So what?  Really?  If it's that good...  ...should I use that photo for your funeral too?  I can't believe you just said that.  Do you wish that I was dead?  Mom, you don't know anything.  Because of you, how much I...  Aren't you embarrassed?  Please act your age!  I want to tell you the same thing.  When you're still young and beautiful... should find a handsome man...  ...and experience a passionate romance.  You make me so frustrated!  This wench!  Why does she have to do this on her mother's wedding day?  Try to understand her. I get it.  I was surprised, too.  What!  Honey, we're going off to our honeymoon tonight.  Don't you remember what we planned to do?  Gosh, I don't know...  I must have lost my mind.  What was I expecting to see?  Hello.  Come here.  Hand it over.  Pardon?  Give it to me.  I can't...  Are you crazy?  Do you want to get fired?  No.  Here.  - Work hard. - Yes!  - Hey. - Yes.  - Take it off. - My clothes?  Hurry, I'm tired.  Who is it?  Gosh, wait.  Hey, what is this?  I didn't order room service.  Geez.  Excuse me.  I said I didn't order room service.  It's free.  Even if it's free, I don't want it. Please leave.  If you knew the price of this wine... wouldn't be saying that.  Please leave before I report you.  Fine.  I came to apologize for what happened earlier.  Then go ahead.  You said you're here to apologize.  Then apologize.  Wow...  Is this 'abuse of power'...  ...that I've only heard till now?  What did you say?  If you want me to apologize, you should apologize first.  Wait, why would I do that?  Don't you remember me?  From the bus.  You're the one who ran into my cart like a mad buffalo.  What?  A mad buffalo?  Excuse me, are you finished yet?  No, I have a lot more to say.  But it'd be a waste of energy.  I'll be going then.  I cannot believe that guy!  Hey, you there!  You should check the rooms to see if they've been cleaned.  Come here.  I'm leaving early today.  Leaving early?  Are you sick?  Go.  You should rest if you're sick.  He is...  He's a such a strange character.  My car keys.  You're the one who ran into my cart like a mad buffalo.  This is getting annoying the more I think about it.  A mad buffalo? Who does he think he is?  Gosh, this is annoying.  It's even more annoying because he's handsome.  This tastes great.  "If you knew how is this wine, you wouldn't be saying that."  Gosh...  What a joke...  I'm really...  ...letting it go because this is delicious.  Excuse me.  Please open the door.  Hello?  Hey...  Save me! What is she saying?  Hey!  Hey! Hey!  -Excuse me. Excuse me! -What's happening?  Hey!  - Hand it over. - What is it? I gave you your car keys.  - The master key, you punk! Hurry! - Here.  Hey, come on...  Hey, look for her! Hurry!  Gosh, I'll go crazy!  Excuse me!  - What is it? - Move!  Oh my gosh!  - Blood. Blood. Blood... - What is this?  - Move. What's going on? - Blood...  - What the hell is this? - Is this 911?  Excuse me! Hey! Hey! Hey!  Hey...  - Jeez! - She's heavy!  Open the door!  Open the door!  What happened?  She was lying on the bathroom floor bleeding.  Ma'am, can you hear me?  Are you okay? Are you okay?  Ma'am, can you hear me?  Can you feel this?  You sent him flying.  - What's going on? - She's fine!  Gosh, this is embarrassing...  What the hell are you?  How many times has it been today?  Why do you keep approaching me?  Hey, when did I ever approach you?  Why were you laying down on your bathroom floor like that?  Well, it's just...  that the floor was slippery from the soap bubbles.  You should have told me you were okay when I carried you out!  I was going to say something, but you were all reacting--  Fine, maybe you were embarrassed. Then you should have acted better.  You humiliated me by laughing in front of all those people!  Mr. Smile.  Then what about you? Why did you break into my room?  You called for help.  This is so irritating.  You shouldn't have brought me anything.  Why can't I...  ...take a bath when I want to?  Why can't I...  ...even cook some meatballs properly?  Why isn't anything going the way I want?  Darn it.  Are you okay?  What?  You're talking fine,  so I guess you're okay.  If you're here on vacation,  ...stop worrying about others and enjoy.  Don't be so depressed.  He has really broad shoulders.  Stop worrying about others and enjoy.  Don't be so depressed.  Those mandarins look delicious.  Thank you all for today.  -Thank you. -Take care.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY  Let's take a picture.  It's blurry.  -Take it again. -Okay, one more time.  Two, three.  Once more. Just once more.  KYEONG'S SEAFOOD RESTAURANT  PLEASE ORDER TWO OR MORE SERVINGS  CHEESY SPICY CHICKEN  PEOPLE-CENTERED! SAMCHEOK, THE HAPPY CITY