Turkish Most Popular Drama: Happily Ever After - Episode 1 (English Subtitles) 

Drama Script

This is exactly where I am at that point    The day that started as the happiest day of my life turned into snow and day My first love  and the man I trusted the most just left me alone without even a single explanation  He  left me,  yesterday and today. I  fell on my knees. At that moment, he left me  breathless because of that man who took my breath away with his love. Did he  finally  realize that fate had other plans for me? Maybe  I couldn't reach a happy ending. But now I  'm working to make other brides happy.  Yes, I'm a wedding organizer.  You're surprised, aren't you? You're right, it was  n't that easy for me. I wasn't going to weddings in the beginning,  but  do you know that time really heals everything? Thanks  to this job, I found myself again. Should I tell  you a secret? My job is  really good. What is black for me is a white  day for everyone else.  Welcome, the success  is hidden in the details, this is where I  come in. Kavacık is a little too meticulous. But  what can I do? I am such a person too. I wonder if  this make-up  ends on the cheekbones and reveals it. Is it okay, my  love, thank you, I will say something  by providing it. Thank you,  subscribe  and welcome.  Shall  I buy some candy and laurel today? We don't want to  see her and the groom drunk at the wedding,  right? Let's see her  outfit like  this, Salih. Yes, it's very nice. Let's  continue like this. Drink more?  Can we say that she's a leylasi again? We  did our best. It looks beautiful on her hand.  health Thank you Well, what do you  think? Will Recep come? But when,  you know, you never know where he will go.  [Music]  chance.  Yes, friends, now I  have slowed down the son-in-law. Your time will start soon. I will keep an  eye on you. Come on, I don't like the checkers.  Negative friends. Has anyone seen the son-in-law? I  repeat, where is Leyla?  Come on, what did I tell you, don't  leave him completely? Didn't I say that they  would run away? Didn't I say that you would stay by my side?  Okay, urgent calls, Leyla, what should I do, it's  urgent, calm down, I'll be Leyla. He's still  talking to us, this son-in-law, I'll go, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,    you go into the room,  it's focused.  It would be good, it's like the beginning, it's not done, it's not the wall, look, let's find it  then,  Seda, let's revive it here with a fresh net, let's do  something, we'll go there and  take a look, bro,  [Music]  and go to the bud. Okay, have you seen it sometime? I  don't know, look everywhere. Come on.  I still couldn't find it, you saw it, we did  n't see it without seeing it. Zonguldak is not there anyway. I'm telling you,  but the best thing to do is to run away to a job. I  hope he's gone, a friend somewhere around here. He's gone, whatever. He's definitely    gone. He ran away, but you looked. "Oh, yes, I'm repeating."  Is the    sign  next to the toilet? Is he trying to  escape? Let me show you now, Leyla. I've  finished you. You, Metin Aydın, calm down, he's finished. If  you consume me, oh yes, I  got angry when I saw          this. Are you the best? Thank you very much.  I missed you so much, I wrote about you. You  didn't miss me. It  was very difficult to spend even one day. I regret it. Don't turn me around  too early. Don't leave me lame and turn me around. It went well, but  nothing is more important than you. I understood that. I don't  even care about work, meetings or anything.  I just want to be yours. Don't  leave me.  What are we going through? You missed me,  didn't you? I wish you had come to see me too. I haven't had  the opportunity here. My mother is in great preparations  for our wedding. Let me know in advance.  You too, Arda Kalan from the hotel, should  spare some time. My life has been created. I am  very excited. I want everything to be very good. I  want everything to be very nice. Everything is  very nice.  No, we were just going to go straight. See  where we are going when we see somewhere else. See you, my dear.      Okay, I know everyone has gathered for me. They are waiting for me. So, forget about  this for a while. Welcome to the wedding ceremony of our guests, Tuğba Yurttaş and  Cenk Aydın. Our  couple applied to our institution with the request to get married, and we    saw no harm in their marriage.  Now,    let's ask our young couple in the presence of you and our martyrs. Do you accept Ahmet's daughter Tuğba  Hasanoğlu Cenk as your spouse for a lifetime, in good times, bad times, in  sickness and in health?                Do you accept us as spouses, in good times, in bad times, in sickness and in health, without being under pressure? All this hustle and bustle,  all we strive for, this happy moment, I        didn't do anything to see that magical moment when two people who love each other promise to live together forever.  It's nice. Delete this place.    Subscribe.  So, what are you doing? We said let's do it here,  but we haven't experienced it right now. You're starting a brand new adventure. It's    very nice. London is now Istanbul. It's  the newest. It's stale. We'll share it. It's over. I didn't  ask for a gun. I'll share it. I especially want to do this. Subscribe  in the city.    [Music]  2000s. Will you get married?  subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe I love        you  [Music]  subscribe you  look so beautiful I hope  you will always be happy, thanks to you, my dear  Leyla, it has become even more beautiful than our dreams.  Thank you very much. It's all  for you. No, I shouldn't buy it. Why  ? Also, I will comb the bridal flower for you.  I don't care.  Why did something happen? He's not  preparing dinner. Let's go to dinner. I was hungry. He  wrote it. I've been there a few times.  [Music] [  Music]  Oh, thank you,  my love. Subscribe to you too  [Music].    No dear, I worked hard to make this star for you.  Welcome, welcome  [Music]  Then.  Do we have a surprise for you?    [Music]  [Music] I would be  very happy, good health, he is right,  his life is very bad, I also have a band-aid, I'm    very curious about what's in your bag right now, I'll go through it  one day, I swear, I'll  close it and  subscribe.  Thank you. Yes, next time.  Those who have lined it up also  liked it so we could learn about it. They  logged in to the classic place. I repeat, I  came here because you logged in. I wonder if there  was any traffic on the way here to the Welcome Palace. Do you call me  queen  too, mom? Your brother  is also trying to sleep. Can he sneak in more?    But everything is perfect. Don't worry about  any questions.  hates white  red always Red welcome lion I  want to talk to you of course I  'm going home then come and  get me right away my dear  Why am I waiting from you Why do you think Leyla I expect you    to do everything in the best way right?  Danger work  paying attention to all the details Any  problems  Don't handle it coldly when you leave.  Live, of course, did every  wedding end in the best way possible?  If this is about the same event,  Hasan,  did I make a mistake? On the contrary, you are what I  expected until now. I did everything I wanted, completely and  exceedingly. The day I first saw you.  I remember  how skillfully he pulled us out of a great mood,  Seda's  pastry chef friend Leyla, who came to help. She kept    repeating, "But I won't allow this wedding to be exempt,"  and she said, "That's it."  That's the day I realized  how suitable she was for this job.  Don't insist on  your love to work with me, you resisted, I said no, I  said I couldn't do it, but  I knew and my dear Leyla, I  deserved it, what did she deserve, we will have the wedding of the year, my  daughter's wedding and you  will be in charge of this,  don't worry, I won't embarrass you.  This is not just that,  nor my daughter's wedding after my wedding.  Arda will replace me, and you will replace Arda, that is,  the head of the company. Thank you  very much. I don't know. I will go to Osman.  Thank you very much.  When you get something you deserve, do not thank the other person,  then the other person will  think that he has done you a favor. Come home tomorrow, I  will introduce you to my daughter, just  like in my dreams.  Come on Aslan,  my son, Mashallah, I saw you very well, but  still  subscribe, I'm  fine from there, my aunt, you  haven't changed at all, so  and cinnamon. Hello, how are you? How is it going? Well,  how is it going? It's going the same way. That's  how nice it is. We're going to have it  done. I'm really happy  and I gave it to my daughter.  When he sees your happiness,  of course, as a father, he  loves it, doesn't he? Now, we, his mother,  may have separated, but in essence, we are still  together. You, we can make all the decisions together.  You are now a member of this Aydın family.  Welcome to the Yalçınkaya Family.  Now, I  have an idea about things and the baby in my mind.  But  I wanted to get your opinion, so the look of a young  rich person will be different. Here, my business  life, girl, we are talking about work.  They look so good together, don't they? And  mashallah, mashallah, it really suits me very well, Mr.  Bülent, take it from the sofas, but I  made the pastrami, which comes from Kayseri. Is  n't it more than 7?  ha ha Then, I have new hair, but I    swear it looks very nice, auntie. But I don't eat meat. That's why  I became vegan two years ago. What can I say, my child? May  God accept it. Also, don't you call me a  mother, she's not an aunt or anything like that, and I  was going to call her my mother, she's my sister,  I'm sorry.  I came as usual, I  would continue. Also, you  know this too, tomorrow may remind you, what do you  say, God, God, man,  just tell me the place and time, okay, brother, okay  [Music]  That's not it, let's see if we're together again.  Speaking of hotels, I'm calling you a hotel, brother,  it's a suitable job for me.  And so on, I was very  ashamed, he said. Also, I understand, don't  even  think about you, okay, think about it, Liyakat Can.  That's the only condition for working at our hotel.  Liyakat. Okay, manager, being a brother is  useless.  Subscribe.  Yes, come on, girls, bro, I'm throwing  this away. Oh, my friendly mother, whom we blew up without me,  those ears.  Have I forgotten?  Okay, you can be found with adjectives. Hah, what's up,  how harmonious is the ex-husband, when he sees his ex-wife, I  say, "Well, I'll take the  picture, dear. Welcome, Sezen, how can she not come out? You are    welcome, Ms. Aslı. Welcome back to all of you for this beautiful night.  Thank you very much, everyone. It is  very nice to see you together like this on  this trip."  I wish my father was here too. If the  Almighty God could speak. He always  wanted a girl. Anyway, I will fill Sivasli with many more celebrations we will do together    [Music] Shut up.    Oh, mom, mom, dad, the wings playing from the containers,  look at the wings, it will be like this.  Is it okay,  mommy, Elif wants it at this hour  [Music]  It  seems like the smell of God has gone, but from  time to time he went to dust the keyboard and I  came in. When I miss you, we are very  happy, I am proud of you,  now he has brought a bride worthy of our family.  But I love Melisa very much.    You will look like your father. I was so afraid that you would  marry that poor girl from years ago and ruin my life.    What was her name, Bear? But look, she even deleted my name,  but I will look at her name. Don't tell me that  these girls are all the same. They are all rich  husband hunters. God protected you. Oh Sarp. What  if you had married that girl?  What would happen?  Look, we fell like this. Friend, okay,  okay, etc. The previous topic is over, don't open it  again. Okay, dear. You  will stay here until the wedding, right? No, I will  stay at the hotel. I have prepared it  for you. You already know. There is no day or night.  I was a little sick the day before, but  Mommy, there is no food for her [ __ ].  But it has to be like this, it will happen,    that ball, never look at that Aslıhan, don't  say mother or anything like that, but okay son, look, you  have only one mother, and that is mine.    Look, that Melisa has never called me a halo either, I mean she is never the queen, I am  the Sultan too.  Subscribe  Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe                        Subscribe Subscribe  But they were coming to life, something in me too, you know, a  little bit of which one?  School is closed, brother,  you're fine, really. I don't seem like a little to you. He's  moved on with his life there.  Excuse me. Your mind  is working,  but do you ever think about  what my life would be like if you stayed here? No, I have to    go to this house, I  had no other choice. Okay, subscribe anyway.    Seda. Thank you, uncle, why are  you thanking me? Sena, for everything. Do  n't be ridiculous. This is yours. I started it myself.  This pico  Girl, don't you remember, dirt on  your face, not  this sweatpants, living, breathing,  we  [Music] Do    you know that I never believed when I was happy again?  Are you aware of what you did? If you  held me by the arm and didn't make me stand up. If you said, don't  force me to do this job. If you said, maybe she  won't be happier.  Leyla, what are  you asking? Are you going to explain it like this? I do  n't understand. Besides, I'm the  girl you took into your house. Even for a day, I  felt like an extra here.  You're the one we're talking about. You're not my friend.  You're my brother. Look,  this is your house. You'll only think about this,    you won't think about anything else. It's a  very good friend of mine.  Come on  guys, the pitas have arrived. No, it  was very nice at that hour, but it was very nice. Come  on. Let's take a look. Let's get it. Actually, girl, I  didn't fall. Let's fly.  What are the brushes? Now open it. Let me see.        Ha, look, this is the Liverpool match, I  loved football, I bought it, you can see from it  [Laughter] Is  n't this something, you look much better than the first time, she  has put  herself together, she was very small when I saw her like this,  Nisa Yalçınkaya Rehabilitation  Center, my dear, kiss, did you see the children's plan? The    woman is obsessed with whatever she found.  Born rich but  uncouth,  this chick has no taste, it's another thing if the children are girls, it    has nothing to do with money, not everyone can be like you, my queen,  what can a woman do, her friend, if this is like this, your  daily life will be full of trouble,  I'm really curious, my  dear, I will introduce you to Leyla tomorrow.  Let's meet Leyla. Who is the  person who will organize the wedding? My right  hand woman. What is she?  My name is, don't worry, who raised her? My son.    Anyway, I'm going to go watch some TV and  clear my brain. Today, I  saw too many people that I need to forget.  This is ringing. Good night.  You're asking me. My mother is also raining. It's fine.  They did it to a new person, how are they?  Now my father  is fine as he only thinks about himself as usual.  Maybe it's with ourselves. My mother too,  but my mother is the same as always, there  is no change. What I  don't know will not end. We  won't be like this in one hour. Yuh 1 million and  for sure she bought it. My followers are even more  beautiful.  It's not too bad for my daughter. It's    okay, let me see, the groom has entered. Wait, let me see, my dear, the groom is  handsome. I swear to God, I  will cut off their union. Ha ha. Although such girls always  get together with rich people and rules, she is definitely one of the broadcasters.        You are right, yes, that's for  sure.  If the one who bought the rare Indian fabric  believes in the evil eye,  it means I'm getting ready, thanks to you, put the evil eye bead on. Close it  now. I swear to God, I'm  upset. Oh, and think about the girl in the wedding  dress. No, my love, you don't  think about the wedding dress. I'm thinking. Okay, I'm going to bed. Okay,  my teacher is bored.  But in the meantime,  if you want to talk about tomorrow.  Tomorrow is a  bad day haha ​​I'll give it to you, you're  not even that, now you're saying you're 27,  huh, I can't give you any guarantees about my father,  you know my father is a bit crazy about this issue, it  happened in real time, maybe he's  forgotten, I hope, I hope, good  night, good night  [Music]  o o o  [Music]  subscribe  Subscribe Subscribe Is there any? Subscribe Subscribe            Oh mom,  Seda is  so sad.  Actually, there is  no door, bro, you haven't forgotten. Oh, bro, why  don't you open the door? Mom,  these angels are there. Morning oil. Seda  subscribe.  [Music]  Subscribe. Subscribe. Subscribe.      Is there that?  Banana of joy, how dare we  come here Sarp and  What are you doing, where, where,  what did you do, where is the photo, Leyla  subscribe,  What photo,  subscribe  [Music]  2 portions,  This is a promotional photos,  subscribe,  this altitude, Inca  Me, can you take it out of my life,  or can you  ?  I forgot how it is ours, Leyla,  but has it never happened between us?  Killer  subscribe,    subscribe to this nest, subscribe to  12,    subscribe, you  forgot, reply. Did you  forget to reply?  Oh,  look at this man, he is guilty. Turkey is  accountable to me, [ __ ] now.  What is  needed? May it be good for my dream.    Yes, Ark, God, God, give you patience. Oh,    grandma. I'm passing like this.  Yes,        you. Are you crazy? Mom, okay, I'll take care of it. Who are you?    You took a picture for an hour, now do the door.  [Music]  My father is gone. If anything, this dark day  has come in the morning. It's been a long time. He left us and went away.  How could he do this to us? We did  n't deserve something like this.  It's a    wonderful moment, look. But when I think of Elif's name, I    get goosebumps, it's like the blood in your veins comes out, all  my muscles are folded, I mean, if I  get my hands on it, I swear to God, I'll  break your bones. After that, it's  this, it's okay, okay, calm down, I  understand where you want to go. Don't  practice so much.  Okay, I mean,  you're going to do it, but look at this, it's good. From now  on, no one will shed a tear from your eyes. From  now on, there will be no man except me. I missed you. Come on now, you    go. Shall I go? I'd be happy to be alone for a while. I  'll be left with the pain.  [Music] It  happened. What will happen? Something?  My father is a  bad day nonsense. Be a man, we  put the child in his place, he put the child in his place, he is more mine than everyone else, I  got through it, my father, I couldn't tell you, are you okay, this is my    Seda, my love,  you have been asking the same question every year for exactly five years. If you say you are fine, I am fine.      You write down the year, that's why I'm holding you, where am I sleeping? I've  hired Ayaz, Leyla can't  come near you, I've been asking for 5 years, so I do  n't ask either. Because you're  talking about the groom candidates my mother found, I  counted them wrong, stand next to me. Did you  like it? I liked it very much. Look at Makbule,  how good it will turn out for us. Have you  seen what Murat has bought for me?  My friend, look, did I introduce you like this?  Makbule Murat Murat Makbule, good Makbule  [Music]  Where are you going, darling, I'm a little  excited, is it sleeping sickness anyway,  but after all, I'm sorry about the dog he thought I got rid of, he's up. He's my teacher, but there's    no problem, I mean,  there's nothing rabid about him, you're a little bit too.  I went too far, but Hey you, I left  work a little early, we  won't go into a axis, because we suffered from your grandmother's,  you are right, you too, God, God,  God,  most of the children, my brother places them there, you  know, it's unregistered. Okay, let's see if it's a bit of a  tarator, be careful.  Good luck now. Run away.  times. It's  going down. Please find me a solution. I'm  sorry. What is  this? I'm sorry. And he said,  your number is 75, 10818 minutes. I got it. Here you go. I'm sorry. I'm    sorry for you again. It's the formula.  Hello. Welcome. You're a newlywed  and you're here for your honeymoon. Is it difficult? We're young  men and we're arranging it.  I'm ten available,  sorry, who are you? I'm sorry. I  forgot to introduce myself. I'm my manager. I'm very  pleased, sir. So,  register  now. Say yes, Mr. Sarp. Yes, always. Alo  [Music].      Come on,  this is the distance, I will welcome you, we  talked on the phone, your assistant, I  will send you how, how am I, there is such a  question, right, I am fine, I think the  time is coming, I think I will give a short speech to everyone,  518i May your  newest job always make you happy, my love,  how nice it is to see you achieve your dreams, you  will be very successful.  I'm sure I love you very much,  Melisa.  Subscribe to Melisa. Subscribe. Subscribe.      Subscribe. Have a  good day.  Oh, no! -1, but while  I'm already there, subscribe to the girl. Shut    up, pocky, Mirzabet, allosh. It's so  cute.      You will go this way,  subscribe to  this Hello. Since the morning, everyone has been  talking about the choice thing, they  are getting cracked with jealousy, I saw that the  weather is unpleasant, good luck  Leyla, otherwise we should call Ms. Leyla from now on.  Thank you management, but if she  continues with Leyla, let's add it and  I will give her a Serpil e  No  Well, you are not going to cut it, you have to push the meat.  I could never teach you  this. I have a lady Lara. When I am alone,  you are sacred to me. I am the one who still does not love. You will get used to it. Also,  Klarna is cooler.  Aha, Ms. Aslı, hello, my dear, how are you? I am fine, my dear. I am  working. I am very busy.  What are you doing? I am also very busy.  You  know, you say you're busy, mine is multiplied by that, I  don't have time to scratch my head, I  have a lot of new projects, let's see a  surprise for the lady soon, modesty You are a  lion, my dear, I say let's meet  with you today to talk about this wedding business.  What do you say, prince? We just    talked about this with you. Everything is going well.  There's nothing I can do about you. If  anything is necessary, I  'll let you know. Okay, honey, come  on, keep doing what you're doing,  everyone should mind their own business, come on,  I'm closing it. Oh biranci, matte white is so  trendy. If you want, continue with that.  Should I put on matte white as well? No, dear.  What's wrong,  white make-up was the fashion of five years ago,  please say, "Shut up while talking on the phone, she's  trying to get it done, she's  rude, and she covers my face. But I    know what I'm going to do to you. I know what I'm going to do to you.  But you intervene and say, 'Jar Jar, are you    fired?'  Well, this  woman is good-hearted. Well,  go on to the other one. She doesn't want to. Emoji Or wait,  matte white is in fashion. Since it's in fashion, put it on. Matte White Moon. My  blood pressure skyrocketed in the morning. I wonder if there was a lemon  at home. Hello. How are you baby? How  are you?    I talked to the pusher. All my anger flew to my head.    How did she marry that laughing lion pusher and how did he tolerate your  belief? I'm at my level right now.  This lady's job is on the loudspeaker. Hello, how are you? Boy, you did a  good job and let my voice out. This is a  very good idea. This speaker is a good idea. Don't be  ridiculous, my dear. Or us?  We already do your backbiting every day, Bülent, don't fake  it. It's the Queen's doing. I stay silent and  your eyes approve. I'm doing it to the water. I'm  not doing anything like that. I don't understand. Let me  get to the point right now. Let's meet  with you today to talk about sausage and this wedding business.  What do you say? I say it  would be great.  After all, my sweet daughter  is getting married. In fact, I say, "Period, let's  meet up right now." What do you say?  Because I'm going to get out of this car soon,  okay? Let's meet. I think it's great on the beach. Now, it's  great. Are you kidding me?    Look, what do I say about your ex-wife?  I say something about her ex-wife every day.  What are you saying, why don't you give  me an example?  Yasemin, you    said this, you said that. You say this every day. You say this      snake, for example.  It's not that you misunderstood it. Could    it be that you have a problem with animals? Let  me call you. Whatever I do, something bad will happen to Samsun.  Anyway, okay, I'm really good. Who  knows what he says about me, but  you see, it doesn't come out. Teksa is fine. Well,  what then?  It's going to happen, I'm going, I'm  stopping it, I mean, it's pretty okay, you know.  You'll approach him at night anyway. You'll    come to him like a cat, wagging his tail. I'm so sorry, he was an  animal enemy. The cat was never right here. I    apologize to those cats. Right now, I    don't have that money. Musa Kart.  If there is nothing else you want from me, I will  be late for the meeting. I  really love you so much. Good luck with your work.  Always earning good money. I hope it's  a very beautiful diamond earring. I like it. Try  to work like this. I  would like to buy it to make our lives more open. Bye oh oh,  where am I wrong?  I did it, I found it Ayka,  you are making the most beautiful one,  after all, the queen's daughter is getting married, I  mean, the girls are one, I wonder. He is definitely very rich and  very handsome. What, Prince?  I don't know how, but this princess is not me. Ay  Seda, what did I wear, she will be angry, beautiful girl, accept it  now, Ela, for you today.  Isn't that what I'm saying? Look at me,  you're taking selfies in every corner of the palace, look at that. Don't be  ridiculous, what kind of life do they have now? It's a swimming  pool. One day, I'm sorry, Mr.  Arda, I'm so sorry. I'm busy. I'll    see you later. Do you have some time? Of course, let's stop it  now.  Only  then, before I go, I  will tell you about this in three rows. Okay, I'm listening. One, do  n't be careful, Işıl, the one who touches my mother's statues.  Two, eat whatever they offer.  Because every menu is  prepared with the thought of whether the guest will like it. It's a very polite  behavior. Of course, I will eat it.  Thirdly, and most importantly, I will eat it in the living room.  There is an antique chest. Don't be careful, don't look at  what happened inside, then it's  an attack. Well, only the family  members will know one by one.  Only the family can go and find out. That's  the best of luck. Thank you. Yes, the  man proposed marriage. Don't be ridiculous,  Seda. Oh, and that too.  I have something  to say. Do you work with your mother? You talk  nonsense. It's starting to get to me.    How long are you  going to ignore Arda's interest in you? I wonder if    you will continue to attach great meanings to such sentences as much as your mother. I  want to tell you. Okay,  whoever is our guest?  Event in the ballroom, event in the  restaurant. Invitation, how many people,  who are they, meeting with the whole science title at 9 in the morning. There  will be a meeting on top of it.  Subscribe.  This is 20 kilos of strawberries. Phone. Two 5-kilo  dumbbells. A ton of manure.  Also, he will not do what I give blindly. He will  criticize me from time to time. He will criticize me. He will  react like a human.  I will give you a simple  job. I'm trying to drive like a robot. I  'll buy it, not a.  You want to delete what you wrote. Kidneys are starting now. Let's  meet and tell me your schedule today. Are you there?  Of course. With your permission. She's  your daughter. She found Saray. Welcome,  Leyla.  Don't you dare look at your mother's statues. She's  so sorry. I'm so beautiful when I see her.  One  Anyway, it doesn't matter, the engine intervened just in time,  please  subscribe.  Thank you very much, I won't buy it. Two, what do they offer?  Seher  prepares it thinking that my guest will like it, she's  thirsty, and I'll take it. But look,  [Music]  It's none of your business. I never  told you before Melisa came.  There's only one thing I want. My daughter, whatever you want,    I want to fulfill it all. I want her  to be the happiest bride in the world.  These powers are not a problem, I  have unlimited authority in this matter.  What do you say? All eyes  will be on us. It  should be an unprecedented wedding. Nothing goes wrong.  Please don't let her out, no.  Don't have any doubts, I trust you. Thank you,  Hasan. You are  the famous Leyla that everyone could talk about for dinner.  Anyway, I'm glad too.  Mashallah, they described you a little incompletely. She    forgot to mention how beautiful you are. Lars. Thank you very much, Ms. Elif.    I'm a person who sees a lot, honey, that's why I've never been involved in the lady thing,    okay? That's great. Where should I start? I'm just dreaming. That's why  we should determine the basis accordingly. It  should be very minimal but magnificent and stylish.  That's right. White and  silver orchids are everywhere. Silver dinner  plates are not worth the piss. Definitely too much.    I want a flashy wedding. It would suit our times.  For example, everywhere is red and  gold. It's a great idea. Aga, it's a very good idea. Well,  we keep it simple, but we give it light and  magnificence by using such big stone chandeliers.    We don't put candles and flowers everywhere.  Big decorations in very strategic places.  For example, nice  lighting and putting  one flower in the middle instead of decorating the tables completely.  Exactly,  red roses and golden shamans all the way to the tables,  but not just one for each place,  a lot of air  should be an ornament wherever I turn it so that it can be understood how much money  we spent on the wedding. Very good.    I thought of great ideas about eating and drinking. Let's make it simple again,  but have much stronger ingredients. Yes, yes, the food also has    influences from the Palace cuisine to the Ottoman Empire, for example, lamb dal. He is the sultan, he  was very good, I know very well, let me  tell you something wonderful,  there were as many as you say, mother. It's like  you're reading my mind.  I'm so glad you're at the same point. I'm very  happy, Leyla.  We really get  along so well. Let's continue talking while eating. I'll    introduce you to the groom's office as soon as possible. You'll love my future husband. You  want to declare and work.  Yes, why wouldn't it be possible? Hi, where have  you worked before, here and there?  there and  here. Now it's a wedding, so good salary of 10000.    But are you serious? No, I don't think so.  Say it, son, come on, go to work. I called me  urgently. Macide called me. I came here in a hurry. My dear brother. I swear, look, my  brother  doesn't give me a job. My mother hurts me to stay,    but I worked really hard.  This job is in Antalya. So actually, we  need someone, but I don't know if this someone is you,  son,  I haven't been to the office even once. Okay, okay, come  first. This is it, only if I  tell you this. Mom, she might get angry because I did it before she reached me.  Even if you offered  me this job. Okay.  dear, not that much.  But anyway, you are right, this  man  and the groom. Oh, the boss's seat suits  you well. Welcome, it's nice. Thank you. I wo  n't stay at home for long. I'll stop by while passing by.  Good luck. Your hands are very good. Thank you very much.  You are dear. No  thank you.  How is this? Balıkesir is a watch from the generation.  It is passed down from father to son, and my  father gave it to me as a gift. I  named you now. Thank you very much,  but wouldn't it be better to give it from time to time?  No, no, he showed his side, he  preferred to be with his mother, that's  why he lost his mind at this hour. It's done, it will  be more for you, enjoy it,  thank you.  Thank you, we  look very good together, thank you, thank you  very much, look,  which is the most important thing in life,  then of course  you will gain a certain power here, that is certain,  you will earn money,  you are treating me rightly, aren't you?    I think of course,  this company is ready, it is waiting for you,  I talked to the board of directors, everything is ready, you will just  take over the business, call him later. Wealth,  everything will remain in the family, good for  others. Ooo, let's eat together, let's  cook a symptom, man,  we are family now, I explained it from time to time.  This family is really big, but I  agree with what you said. But  Well, I guess we don't agree on these three  and money issues,    but I'm so peaceful, I'm  happy, are my loved ones with me?  When it comes to this business issue, the most important thing is that a  person does what he wants, what he really loves, then I  already  continued my father's business, but I worked at the hotel with his  own methods, with his own vision, and  succeeded.  I want to be here.  Your offer is really valuable.  Don't get me wrong. It's very valuable to me.  But I did this much alone,  so I want to continue alone from now on. May    God bless you, thank you  very much. Thank you very much again. Excuse me.  Subscribe. If    this is something, you don't have a brother. You have the news.  Of course,  then I will.  First of all, Mr. Naci  asks for the cleaning materials not to be changed.  Complaint. You, see you about the smell. We are  hosting 196 guests in our hotel tonight. There  is a dealer meeting in the hall. There      will be a charity night organized by Özköy University tomorrow evening in the same hall for 180 people. It's  like the organization from the morning.  Future University  Yes, what a night it was, of course, the  charity organization organized by the Alumni Association,  these Selda  songs, these recipes  are also made every year, we are interested in the concept of open buffet style, we are  interested in the concept, are you doing it?      I've got it ready. Come  on, we're leaving right now. We're leaving right away, mom. Wait, where are we  going? It's all  changed. Let me take a breath. My daughter, can  she breathe in closed spaces? For God's sake. I mean, it's really      cool outside. Oh, mommy, she's alone.    What are we doing, lol  I swear I didn't sleep at all last night because of the pain in my back.  Let me tell you, look,  mom, then  I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow. Ayşe, I'm  telling you, let's go to the grocery store, girl like that. If she  ties it up, it's okay, of  course, I'll take you to the doctor too.  I had a scrub made.  Okay, you can throw away all your clips. It's just like  taking a shower. "  Mommy, my uncle, what are you doing?" he  says to my son. "Look, I  prepared everything for when he came. I swear, don't    leave anything for you. Take your bag. Melis.  Choose your side. Is it your brother?  I'm Serkan Sart. He's looking ungrateful."  There  is a blood bond between us, we are brothers by blood. Well, he is  becoming my teacher. If you are  aware, Wait a minute, I mean, the signature has been signed. I am  not aware of it. Maybe he will give up in the end. Maybe he will say no. Is there anyone who will say no? That's it. That's all. Does  he look like  someone who would let down his respect?  Would you look at this guy?  Are you there for God's sake, but I was    wondering what you can do in this match. I'm sorry, my love, will he  step in? The loser  buys the dinner for him. Wow, okay,  then my message is calm, I'll put it aside,  now just so you know, I'm going to  get into trouble. I swear it didn't hurt, I'm sorry too,  groom.  You say the Allied Powers, it's    best, okay, come on, do  n't do your best. He's the priority.  What am I doing here? You  brought me around with all the hassle. Come on, my child came,  but I told you, come now, we're going to take a bath and leave,  here you go. The crowd  will give it to you. I'll give it to you. You too,  God, come on, come on.  oha  [Applause]  Yes, Arda, what happened to these days,  maybe, maybe, who is she? I  introduced her when the time came.  But you  try to distract me, which day is it, my love? Okay, my love, I'm sorry, don't lose it. She's my love.    Girl's exit, superiority,  taking away from the stone, what a social thing, now. You know,  nonsense.  It's not that much anymore  [Music]  Ms. Hacer, should you  make a tight pouch for my girl and throw away the abusive soil on it    ? Oh, my friend, you deserve my son.  Write exactly as you say. Isn't it okay?  Let's not waste any time.  Go immediately tomorrow and go once. My daughter, too.  How is he  deceiving me? It's a bath in the bath. What do you mean?  But I think you're suspicious, I won't stay still next year.  Subscribe. Mom,  what do you think you've done? Shut up. Is there a  girl? I wonder if they'll feel hot. Okay, the  girl is there to see and it's left. Of course, my dear, it's  our measure, mom,  we do it, you too.  How many times have we  talked? Please,  stop trying to find a husband for me. Well,  how can you find me and get married?  I tell you that you have to  stop. I won't get married. Give up. Shut up girl. May God  protect you. I swear to God.      Let me take it, it's mine,  isn't it my right to see your disciple? My dear mother, if  you've seen it, it's my production, but it doesn't count, look,  they came from the country, okay? I mean,  this is Adam, you remember it, my daughter. I mean, if    you play together in Trabzon when we were kids, it's our permanent Adem. Yes, it  will never come out, it's childish, what?  It  could be so bad, brother, you are the groom candidate.  I haven't been in this, I mean,  have we reduced the number this much? It's yours, it's like when you  accept what you've seen and liked so far, it's like, look, you're  getting old now. Okay, I'll  drink it, I won't look, shame  on you. Look, you're something waiting in front of the door,  are you here?  You called, Mom.  Look, if you don't like it. It's okay. Here,  right now. Okay, mom, I'm going home. You    decide whether to drink tea or coffee inside.  Leyla, when she  was very little, she felt very heavy.  Her legs were a little distorted, but  now you're very beautiful. I swear,  I'll ask you something. You still don't have soap.  Adem, you are  really amazing at picking up women.  I can't say anything to you.  Okay, please, Adem.  This is important again. If you stop, Oh, I'll fix it in our heads. It's  better this way,  my dear. It's okay if I have a child. Look.  My girl is a little bit cool like that,  she's very coy, so it's easy for her to  dislike him.  I'm very enthusiastic too.  I already liked her very much. I  fell in love with her, but I'm really  going to marry her. I'll see her.  Thank you very much. What is this? You've become the  sought-after face of high society magazines. When you're not around, she's attracted to you. She's the favorite of the high society. I'm  making you look like it.    Yes, now it's happened, thanks to you, just  pancakes. Bazaar. All of these girls first.  From me to her I wrote wrong, that's why  my brother You are here today Gözde  will continue to be single,  good luck to you forever What happened to the table You worry about your  own troubles for the rest of your life You are the one who  is fasting Esra Esra is my friend from the club  Esra I'm engaged to say Or else in the square  Where did you disappear? They just arrived a few days ago  He wasn't there at the wedding. But  isn't it nice when you don't come?  No dear. Anyway, I'm very happy to see you. If you  come, let me know. Bon appetit  UV. Wow, I  had another friend who just stayed there. I was going to go there, but I  didn't go. Let me tell you about it. We are fixing it, my friend.  Can you bring us the bill? Efe  ? Yes sir. Here we are, we wait again,  Halil.'  Although the bakery in this world is not number one, it is  number two, but never 3. Come on,  son Nihat, what are  the bagels for dinner? Look what happened, it's 5.00,  people will come. It's ready now. The master is  coming out. Take care of it. After that,  bring me some tea, okay? I say no.  I  say I don't want it. No, I don't understand.  What should I do? What  should I do? Someone should tell me, "          Dad, do this."  Is it his  face? And he  brought it to us, I mean he stole it, I took it to him,  leave it Dad, I swear to drink tea,  I will leave the tea of ​​the Black Sea, my  new holiday clothes. I mean, what am I going to do, I don't  understand this issue, you know, dad,  how to solve it, I don't know exactly, I mean,  how do you do this, my daughter?  What are  you talking about, for God's sake? Or oh,  Dad, my mother is trying to get me married at work again.    Call me.  I couldn't make you happy until your father of all these years.        Nothing will happen, you  are doing a lot too but he can't escape his eyes, but look at me, can you  drink tea? I didn't leave it at all,  son, come on, master, let's be clear, you  started talking. I mean, when he  saw me in the lights, he jumped out  of his place, aren't you crazy, God, I'm here  for you.  I'm telling you my problem, you  won't be, didn't I tell you, do  you want to drive me crazy? For God's sake, the  girl is 30 Plus, she just got 30 Plus,  no sir. My daughter is still  young. Today, I want to announce you, look at me.  Hello, from now on, my daughter's place is  next to her father, my father, my dear, my  father belongs to your father.  her mother, look at me, you  go and get some rest at home, let her buy it. I'll  come when I close the shop.    Can we buy a few of them? Here, girl, two more.  So, she's like, she's  on the stage. She's her father's daughter. What are you  waiting for? Come on, what are you waiting for? The  girl is at home.  I am writing to you and telling you that she stayed at home. Can you    please tell me what will happen when we get older? Look, I  don't leave my job to chance, a thousand tourists  didn't say cunningly. So, look at me. Hello, I don't want our  daughter to be sad anymore. Do  n't you understand? I want her to get married and  be happy and have children.  Besides, you don't get up and get involved in your business.  I'm saying a little bit, movements, they do  n't understand some things, we'll do 29 Come on, anyway,  I'm looking at the cash register. God,  why, for God's sake,  subscribe  of of of of  [Music]  that girl makes the picture happy, something should be extended, she  uses it Since where are you, brother, my message is you, there  was a woman first,  we were going to get married, but it's the wedding day. Come on.  If we are going to be, don't stay silent Winx has forgotten  to feed,  after all, everyone is like this. Subscribe Let me    tell you something. We  need to figure out what we are doing and what is going on. It wo  n't be like this. Do you think Ela will give up on her apartment? Or do you  think she will give up when your mother moves out? If she  finds me, she will. How will it be? So  Uncle Halil?  It didn't take much convincing for all this time.  Now how are you going to convince me?  Can I find the method?  This is dirty teacher. Should we do it? I'm too  sleepy. There's a lot of work to do tomorrow. You're  telling the truth. I'll be in your bed. Come on. Have a  good night. Then, have a good night.  We'll get together last time. See you there.  Wait. Let's do it now."  But you're looking at it.  Okay, good luck guys. We'll have work to do here anyway. Let's    get them in like this. We  won't charge for the aid organization. We  'll be a sponsor as a hotel. Okay, guys.  Good luck. I thank  you. Wouldn't that be  nice? Good luck guys. You  're using it. The organization  company told us to take it out.  Good luck, friends. This should  n't be like a wedding hall. Now I guess  [Music]  o  Yes, this too. Shut up, not everyone may like it, we  gave permission. It will be great. Good luck.  [Music]  o  Well, I said the flowers would stay inside. Friends.  What did we talk about? This will  go outside. The flowers  will come inside.  Mr. Manager, I thought it would be better if the people inside were  outside or inside.  Who is the manager?  Am I changing Nuri's place?  Yes, let's take him outside. The  area with flowers is like this. Please  subscribe.  That sea and these  would be with Facebook sauce. Mr. Manager.  Who is the manager? What happened to Leyla?  Leave it alone.  If you love God, I'll keep this in  my hands. Let's pack up and go. It's there. I      left without meeting anyone. I'm also very  tired to tell you. For example, Ahmet, you don't understand. I'm going to  lose 55 kilos. Did we share? Don't be  ashamed of me now. Do  you know? There wouldn't be an urgent protein. My love,  Mehmet.  Boy, Seda, my love.  Okay, he may be a bit of an ox, but under every ox  man, there is a Minnush Space throws in  the market. The important thing is, I  want to take him out. Come, please, you  are something, please, what will happen to you, son, you are  disgusting, it's really a hymn. Okay, okay, I'm  coming. I'll ask you something. If I get bored, I'll go out.  It's right at our school.  On behalf of our children who need help, I would like to  thank you very much. Welcome, it is    really nice to be among you again and to be able to help you even a little bit,  thank you very much. Thank  you very much. Have fun. No, welcome, brother.    Subscribe.  Subscribe.  This sound. One or two sounds.  This sound.  My father, heart, where are you going  ? It's okay, my Pasha, wait, let    's go that easily. Otherwise, you won't be able to escape like that. There's    Sarp Efendi standing there, whom you applauded just now. The Master there is an  animal. He's  a cowardly scum who left me at the wedding table and ran away. You're  surprised, aren't you, that  he looks like such a human?  Don't look at it,  it will deceive. It will make you cry. I mean, don't take it badly  and cinnamon. Your voice won't come. What happened? Did you  swallow your tongue? Why do  n't you answer?    What are you doing if you answer? I ask you to answer. You are brazen. I swear, look at my  finger. I'll  put holes in your eyes.  Isn't it? He hates you.  What English are you doing?  I don't know French but I  hate you, I don't believe it, it  's really you, look who's here, I miss you so much  [Music]  This I don't believe it, years later, the children are  still very beautiful, very beautiful,  subscribe,  subscribe,  subscribe, o o o o    Hello Mr. Serkan, I wonder where is  this Melisa Yalçınkaya I am engaged.  I couldn't  reach your phone, but I  thank you very much for your exemplary behavior today. I  will hit you, you embarrass me, I am always with you.    This is just me, it's over and over. This  can't be real. Today, he  can talk as if nothing really happened. I  understand you very well. Really, but please, I  can't be a little calmer or anything like that. I  can't be a voice or anything.  I'm  with you, you dirty liar. Come on, let's go, let's  go home from here,  can't we talk there? It's on  Thursday, that's it, it  seems like there is no place left in Istanbul, the    animal house where I work is gone, there is no other place, because there is no How will I go, I  will go,  He is into your eyes.  Let me see, Sadık.  But your news. How can he look into my eyes and  talk to you and tell you to do this  ? I mean, he is          gone. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he is gone. Why will these super accounts  download? Let's see if you logged in from them.  I can't believe it. Did my father give it to you at this hour?  It's  very difficult.  Subscribe Subscribe. Is    it in the principal's office? Was it you Zehra? Did  something scare me? Did something happen  in the principal's office? Isn't he harsh? His name should go down. I'll  say yes. No no. Have you met him?  Isn't he a wonderful person? He is very polite, very  gentle and very handsome. God bless his owner.  Excuse me, Auntie, where is it? I just talked  to you. It's  been a while since then. We're going to buy  orchids everywhere. I want them at the entrance.  Thank you.  Leyla.  Oh my love. Tell us soon. I  have the slightest task to do. Is it okay? Is  it okay?  No, it's  stuck in my head, let me see.  What do you want? I want  this movie. I didn't expect you to make a statement    like the one who came to me years later and made a statement as if nothing had happened, right.  What happened? The Directorate  within the institution, word by word,  they put a gun to your head. You didn't let me know  how?  You will leave me at our wedding. What  about you, my love, it doesn't matter, what about you,    how despicable, what  a selfish man, there is no problem  [Music]  and the other one, I will complete it, do  n't do that, did you ever wonder what you did to me,  then I left it Sona,  You have been silent for years anyway, talk.  Say something,  o There is nothing to talk about.  This sun is in the past,  you don't even feel the need to explain. I left my mother, I  left, I left Leyla, I  left. It's  very descriptive. Will anything change? It's a lot for  you. Will you forgive me? What will happen    ?  I  want to agree with you. Wait, he was  mistreated, is he a good person?  [Music]  subscribe [  Music]  Ah, it's too late for everything,  subscribe,  subscribe.  But you are the most cowardly man I have ever seen in my life.  You  don't even have a gram of humanity left. What a shame for you.  I'm bored,  subscribe,    is there any  [Music]  subscribe,    subscribe,  no, my love, let's see, now you will set it up a little,  wait at home, if you want, everything will be fine, it's fine, it's all right, there's just  a small problem that I  need to take care of, if  you do whatever you say, I can't talk, I don't know the time as long as it's my job.    What have I already done? But reply, say hello, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe          [Music] Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe,                  is there anyone,    subscribe,    can you even make an explanation, I've been  wondering about this bird all these years.  Is it something that happened to a battered Seda on her own? Was it      just me? There was something  wrong with me. I wasted all my thinking on my  own. And I  hoped so much that    there would be a logical explanation for all of  this. At least she would  say something that I could agree with.  You  made me so happy that I went to the show like this, without even  thinking, without any reason,  I walked away. That's why I    waited all by myself, without letting anyone near me.  He just stood in front of me, and I  went away comfortably. He says, "This one has been drinking for  this, a  whole year and five."  Husband F is all I have left, I'm  gone. No, I    can't let you go through the same thing. Leyla, your uncle Halil doesn't come for two  hours. I  know what we will do until they come. Seda, don't be ridiculous. We have a  meeting tomorrow. You must have forgotten that we are going to pick up the  groom. Okay, we'll meet. He's getting up. Then  something happens.  Isn't that okay?    Subscribe.  Who are you? You don't explain anything to me.  No one wants it. There is no master. He doesn't like it. It's  cold in Muş. Look at yourself. Who are you? I love it. It's like dirt. What was dirt? It's    so light. It's so  naive. It needs another word. It  needs something else. What?  that  and maybe he should have told the truth  Maybe but these truths  can be sweet sometimes glass, for example,  he didn't lose our father in that traffic accident  But  to find out whether he really only has a part of it or another family of  those truths okay  subscribe  But you tell me the technology left from that accident  What if my brother  stays like this?  There are people who  will hate you throughout their lives,  but if you tell them, everything can change. You  have changed  too much. You can't change anyway. It's  better for him to hate me. It's    better for him to hate me. It's better for him to forgive me. I      can't let him get back on track. Besides, I don't want this just for myself, which Melisa, I can't do.  I can't let her down, she made  another woman experience the same things again.    Yes, so what will happen, nothing  will happen now, we met  like this, it's gone,  after that, everyone goes their own way,  subscribe,  subscribe,  subscribe,  tell me one thing, tell me what happened,  this is a situation  [Music]  No, my love  [Music]  subscribe, subscribe, subscribe,                  that, that, subscribe, Ha ha, ha, these girls, subscribe too, good morning, dad,  but sometimes brother and uncle,  subscribe. Are we  expecting a very bad speech this evening?  What year are we in? Unfortunately, we are still  28, get up.  We have a  meeting, we have a meeting, I fell because of all of them, I  haven't done anything, I wonder  what else you will do, Cup total, total,  total, we are too late, so many nights, Leyla,  Adam. If you are not Adam, are you a horror movie character?  Why do you always know from here and there?  What is your purpose, flower?  Really well done, dear Adem.  Keep eating like this, okay? If you  don't pay attention, we're going to be late. We're easy  because you're late. What a pity, you    left Ela child with a flower in her hand. I'll say something,  change your clothes, you beautiful child. Actually, don't    make me angry with nonsense like my mother. I'm waking up late. Do you already  have one? Subscribe, subscribe,      subscribe.  Be there  for me every day, if you  're thinking of my night with surprises at breakfast. You'll wait a long time.  Just come in, for your voice.  [Music] I  saw it now. Don't mix it up. It's  beautiful there. Bon appetit.  Are you ready for the official wedding meeting? Well, it's very  exciting.  Subscribe.  Subscribe.  Seda, come on,  this is love. Oh, sorry.  sedacan Zehra  thatcan  What are we doing now? We  are giving your names, dear, of course. We met after years. It  was a rush, everything  was very different, but I mean, we have a model. You  see, I am working here. Can it help?  We are also working here. Come on,  dear. Where is Seda? Me too? How? I  started today.  He  and the groom have come to the meeting, the page is home, tobacco, Leyla.  Oh, hu, hu, hu.  [Music]  Oh, turn on the creature. Is he angry? Why did you do this? I  started to work with cheese. My dear  mother told me. Is he doing it to spite me? I'm  almost going to suffer.  Subscribe.  128 topic. I'm sorry. It's a lot.  We are  late but we have already worked hard all night, we  have a lot of ideas,  so when the change is over last night, silence,  sit in your seats. Are we sure about these clothes? We are  not sure. Deniz, hello. Oh,  they came,  it's easy subscribe  oo [  Music] o o [    Music]  oo  [Music] subscribe    subscribe  subscribe subscribe subscribe