Chinese Drama 10 Highest Viewed Chinese Dramas That Have BILLIONS of Online Views

chinese dramas with more than 20 billion  views mostly drama watching journeys  start on random nights with only the  expectations of passing time and blowing  off some boredom 10 or 50 episodes later  you found yourself hooked and definitely  in need of more and more dramas today  we'd like to present 10 dramas that got  people hooked real good the top 10 most  watched sea dramas ever on online  platforms with every drama on this list  having more than 20 billion views that's  nearly triple the population of earth  isn't that crazy awesome it's really  safe to assume that people lost sleep  over these dramas the most watched  dramas represent a variety of chinese  dramas the list varies between  historical martial arts esports  political rom-coms and more  so really whatever you're into you will  find the series that fits your taste and  needs and then promptly understand why  everyone's been raving about it  so let's check them out  number 10 the journey of flower  our list opener is one of the pillars of  martial arts dramas and was also the  first chinese drama to surpass 20  billion online views the drama follows  an unfortunate orphan who attracts  demons and kills plants around her by  her natural fragrance after her parents  death she sets out to learn magic and  martial arts to survive in her quest to  find a sect that can shelter and nurture  her she finds an immortal one whose  leader is said to be the most powerful  in the human realm ever since the last  of the gods her passion kindness and  hard work encouraged the cold leader to  take her in and make her his only  disciple will she finally find peace at  her new residence with her teacher or  will she always cause misfortune to  befall those she comes in contact with  join the people who streamed journey of  flower more than 20 billion times to  find out  [Music]  number nine  love o2o  number nine on our list is honestly a  game changer of a drama it is a pioneer  in the esports genre and one of the most  well-loved rom-coms ever the plot  revolves around a girl majoring in  computer science who likes playing a  popular video game with in-game partners  her in-game husband suddenly cancels his  marriage to her paving the way for the  highest ranked character in the game to  marry her in game to compete in a  couple's tournament  when the female lead finds out that her  in-game husband is actually one of the  most popular students at their  university a romance develops between  the two both in game and in real life  despite all the tricky misunderstandings  and obstacles that come their way having  someone share your passion and affection  just sounds so lovely this is a  masterpiece drama about friendship  family life and love that you'll enjoy  watching again and again and again like  the other drama fans who gave it 25  billion views  [Music]  number eight ode to joy if you like  series about strong women deciding their  life path then as promised this list has  the drama for you ode to joy this drama  follows the lives of five different  career independent ladies from different  backgrounds who share an apartment in a  building called ode to joy they're in  their 20s and early 30s and all with  varying levels of street smarts and  style they experience many things normal  women go through which makes it very  relatable for viewers outside of their  apartment each woman has her own  relationships own family problems and  struggles they fall in and out of love  have many obstacles in their careers and  face the general uncertainties in life  but one thing is certain will try to  find their own version of joy in life  their little apartment becomes a home  with true companions  27 billion people who found this  character-driven drama that connected to  them definitely worth a binge and you  will too  number seven noble aspiration  number seven on our list is noble  aspiration a martial arts drama that  captivated wuja watchers and non-wuja  watchers alike  the series follows two childhood friends  who lose their families after a horrific  massacre and their village wipes out  everyone except for them and another  villager  they get taken by a sect where they  train in the ways of the immortal sword  vowing that they will one day avenge the  death of their families despite the main  character's intense desire to become  powerful enough to pursue justice for  his village his lack of talent stands  between him and his dream until one day  he acquires a forbidden weapon that  levels him up quite noticeably he saves  a beautiful girl from the demon sect who  also saves him a lot in return and  naturally they get caught in the web of  love although they are on the opposite  ends of the magical world it's a drama  that surpassed 27.8 billion views and we  strongly recommend it it is just that  good  [Music]  number six the princess wei young  the princess wei young is a beautifully  tragic drama that caused people to have  panda eyes all that crying and mascara  smearing everywhere and if the 27.9  billion views it received is anything to  go by the drama follows the princess of  the northern state whose life changes  overnight when a power hungry general  frames her father for treason and kills  everyone in her royal family while  escaping she unintentionally ends up in  the enemy's territory where she is saved  by weiyoung the illegitimate second  young mistress of the prime minister  however the girl dies by an assassin  determined to seek the revenge for the  deaths of her nation the escapee  princess takes on the identity of wei  young and enters the prime minister's  family she faces many hardships there  but she utilizes her wisdom and sense of  justice to become powerful the last  thing she expects in that palace full of  enemies is for her to find love  in the shape of a prince whose support  and love for her never wavers  [Music]  number 5 legend of miue  sitting at number five with 28.9 billion  views is legend of miue  a drama that tells the eventful life of  china's first stateswoman miue was her  father's favorite princess when she was  younger but after his death her life  falls apart her mother gets cast from  the palace miui becomes a consort to the  state of kin where her sister marries  and ascends to the throne miui struggles  to find her place but she seeks comfort  in learning and collecting a wealth of  knowledge  after miui gives birth to her son her  relationship with her sister worsens  especially after queen's son dies and  the kingdom enters internal turmoil  miue does everything in her capability  to make her son become the next king  while she becomes the first empress  dowager in history it's simply  enchanting to watch me fighting the  ruthless man's world and becoming a very  prominent figure in history this drama  is definitely worth your time  [Music]  number four fights break sphere  fights break sphere is a fantasy drama  that gained more than 30 billion views  as a little boy the main character had  to watch his mom take her own life after  she was framed for betraying the sect  but before passing away she gives him a  ring and tells him to protect it with  his life the once brilliant boy trains  vigorously and does his best but he  fails to meet his family's expectations  and brings them embarrassment when his  martial arts abilities barely make  progress when he's 15 he turns his own  fate and changes his life when he  accidentally summons the medicine lord  who was living in his mother's ring and  absorbing all of the boy's powers with  the help of the lord the boy's skills  improve by leaps and bounds and he  becomes a great martial artist who is  determined on bringing his mother's  killer to justice  this drama is about growth  self-discovery and heroism definitely  deserves the hype and the views so check  it out  [Music]  number three in the name of people  in the name of people is a star-studded  smartly executed political drama that  was a front-runner in the ratings game  ever since episode 1. the drama revolves  around chinese politics that are rarely  seen on mainstream television  especially the internal power struggle  of the chinese communist party which the  show follows closely through a young  chief of the anti-corruption bureau who  investigates to uncover corruption cases  maintain justice and achieve the unity  of the legal system  in a place full of good guys but has a  weed that needs to be plucked out the  protagonist and the viewers are  constantly kept on their toes as they  unravel secrets together this drama has  a lot of strong points it's quite  realistic in its depiction of corruption  in today's society as its turn of events  are also intriguing until the very end  it keeps you guessing and wanting to  continue watching one episode after  another all in all it wholeheartedly  deserves its 34.1 billion views  number two princess agents  this drama revolves around a slave girl  with amnesia and a hidden past one day  she finds herself thrown into a  gladiator game with other slave girls in  which they had to fight against wolves  trying to escape from deadly arrows shot  by rich lords her fighting spirit and  skills catch the attention of two lords  and the stern fourth master of the u.n  manor and the easy-going prince of  northern yan later she is brought into  the master's household who decides to  keep her as his chambermaid and trains  her to become a secret agent for his own  family along the way he falls for her  and she does too she also builds a  friendship with the prince who openly  invites her to become his girlfriend and  offers her to live with him in his  homeland where slavery doesn't exist  what choice will she make with its  interesting plot well-portrayed  characters and the discussion of social  status princess agents has gained around  48.22 billion views  [Music]  number one eternal love  topping our list with more than 52  billion views is eternal love  a love story that spans three lifetimes  and weaves through many trials in the  first lifetime the female lead is a  feisty fox goddess who pretends to be a  young man in order to train under the  god of war he knows from the beginning  that she's in disguise but allows her  under his wing anyway along the way he  falls strongly in love with her but  their happiness gets cut short when a  war breaks out on the mountain and he  sacrifices his spirit to seal a powerful  demon king  tens and thousands of years later the  witty goddess is rendered powerless as a  human and falls into a sweeping romance  with a crown prince of the heavenly  realm who greatly resembles her beloved  master  tragedy strikes in this lifetime too as  for the third lifetime you'll have to  watch it to find out how their story  continues you'll find this drama worth  binging as it's one of the best dramas  to ever be put on our screens  [Music]  [Applause]  among these impressively highly rated  sea dramas with an amazing amount of  views which is your favorite and what  drama do you think deserves to cross the  20 billion views milestone you can let  us know in the comment section down  below and lastly don't forget to like  the video and subscribe and we'll see  you soon.

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